- 1. IBM
- 2. ATOS
- 3. UPRC
- 4. LXC
This document is the second software demonstrator deliverable of PolicyCLOUD at M22 (October 2021) of the project and is intended for the reviewers of the software deliverables.
This deliverable provides a second and much upgraded description of the software demonstration for the components of the Integrated Data Acquisition and Analytics (DAA) Layer, which provides the analytical capabilities of the PolicyCLOUD platform. The components include the DAA API Gateway (responsible for the overall orchestration and the layer API), the built-in analytical tools - for Data cleaning and interoperability, Situational Knowledge, Opinion Mining & Sentiment Analysis and Social Dynamics & Behavioural Data analysis, and the Operational Data Repository.
The DAA API Gateway (responsible for the overall orchestration and the layer API) as well as the built-in analytical tools for Data cleaning and interoperability, Situational Knowledge, Opinion Mining & Sentiment Analysis have been integrated with almost all the use cases at least in standalone mode. In addition, full integration for two use cases was demonstrated during the review of June 2021.
The advanced Social Dynamics & Behavioural Data analysis component is fully operational in standalone mode and will be integrated with the PolicyCLOUD framework this coming year.
In terms of used infrastructure, the Operational Data Repository has been enhanced thanks to the adoption of the “seamless” technology (section 4.4 of [34]) which offers a two-tier storage architecture based on the LeanXcale relational database: the first tier which was used till now and the Object Storage: the second tier. This novel architecture presents single logical datasets to users which can be explored with SQL.
PolicyCLOUD_D4.4_Reusable Model and Analytical Tools Software Prototype 2_v1.0.pdf
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