Anisepyris similis Santos & Azevedo 2000
Anisepyris similis Santos & Azevedo, 2000
(Figs 14E; 14J; 15J; 15L)
Anisepyris similis Santos & Azevedo, 2000, 44: 157.
Redescription, male. Body length 4.23 mm. Head and mesosoma black; wings clear hyaline; metasoma castaneous. Head wide. Flagellomeres short, with sparse and short setae. Mandible very narrow, curved, and with teeth equally wide. Median clypeal lobe angulate, long; median clypeal carina higher than frons level. Frons coriaceous. Antennal scrobe carinate. Eye large. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute; ocelli small. Vertex convex. Pronotal disc shorter than wide, strongly coriaceous; transverse pronotal carina complete; with posterior pronotal sulcus. Notaulus very narrow. Mesoscutellar sulcus narrow; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus present. Metapectalpropodeal disc short; metapostnotal median carina complete; longitudinal ridges present; metapostnotal-propodeal suture convergent to first metapostnotal carina; paraspiracular carina present and inconspicuous; metapleural carina present and conspicuous; metapectal-propodeal disc with short striae; propodeal declivity strigate. Mesopleuron with anterior fovea closed; mesopleural fovea closed; lower fovea divided; posterior fovea absent; mesopleural suture closed. Forewing with stigma developed; Rs&M vein distinguished. Mesotibia not spinose. Claws trifid. Metasomal segments sparsely setose. Genitalia. Basiparamere longer than paramere; paramere slender, rounded, with ventral margin convex and dorsal margin straight, and base angled, sparsely setose; basivolsella with inner margin angled; cuspis with arms very short, dorsal arm wide; aedeagus with basal portion angled and slender, and apical portion as long as basal, wide and swollen; apodeme slender.
Material examined. Holotype, ♂, BRAZIL, Pará, Oriximiná, Alcoa, Mineração, Rio Trombetas, 07–25.X.1982, [armadilha] CDC Malaise, Rafael, Binda & Vidal col. (INPA). Paratype. BRAZIL, Amazonas, 1 ♂, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 03°06'S 60°01'W, 08–15.iv.1992, Adesiva 1m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (UFES 09674). MEXICO, Quintana Roo, 2 ♂, Xel-Ná, Trail in coastal, 07.xii.1993, L. Masner col[lector] (CNCI); PANAMA, Colón, 1 ♂, 15 Km N Jct. Escobal r[oa]d & Piña r[oa]d, 2–, FIT, ~ 20m, J. Ashe & R. Brooks [collectors] (CNCI); 4 ♂, 14 Km N Jct. Escobal r[oa]d and Piña r[oa]d, 2–; TRINIDAD, Arima, 1 ♂, 16 Km N Arima, Andrews Trace, 62m, up montane rain for[est], 7–, FIT, S. & J. Peck [collectors] (CNCI); 1 ♂, 11 Km SE Arima, Arena For [est] Res [erve], 80m, rain for[est], 13–, FIT, S. & J. Peck (CNCI); Tunapuna, 1 ♂, M[oun]t S[ain]t Benedict, Summit rain forest, M[oun]t Tabor, 550m,–8.vii.1993, FIT, S. & J. Peck (CNCI); FRENCH GUYANA, Saül, 3 ♂, 7 Km N 63 Km SE of Eaux Claires, M[oun]t Fuméc, 490m, 1–, FIT, J. Ashe, R, Brooks [collectors] (CNCI); BRAZIL, Pará, 6 ♂, Oriximiná, Porto Trombetas, 01°27'S 56°30'W, 15–25.xii.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, J. Cardoso & G. Costa col[etores] (UFES 105932; 105937; 105940; 105945; 105948; 105956); 2 ♂, 16–26.ii.2007 (UFES 107147; 107160); Amazonas, 1 ♂, Parq [ue] Nac [ional] do Jaú, Campina Arbustiva, 01°53'04"S 61°35'11"W, 08–16.iv.2001, Arm [adilha] Malaise, Henriques & J.F. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 1 ♂, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 08–15.iv.1992, Adesiva 1m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (UFES 09674); 1 ♂, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, Rod[ovia] AM 0 10 Km 26, mata, ix.2001, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.F. Vidal col[etor] (INPA); 1 ♂, Manaus, Reserva Campina, 08–, óleo 3m, I. Vidal & J.F. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); Pará, 1 ♂, Tucuruí, próximo à barragem, 02.xii.2001, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.A Rafael & J.F. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 1 ♂, Canaã do Carajás, 6.4°68'93"S 49.8°80'27"W, 28.xi.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise, R.M. Valente & E.M. Santos col[etores] (MPEG); 1 ♂, 6.4°85'86"S 49.8°98'73"W, 30.xi.2005; 1 ♂, 6.4°85'87"S 49.8°96'21"W, 24.vii.2004; Rio Grande do Norte, 1 ♂, Mossoró, Fazenda Santa Júlia, Caatinga, 05°01'10"S 37°22'56"W, 6.iii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, D.R.R. Fernandes e eq[uipe] col[etore]s (UFES 32118); Pernambuco, 1 ♂, Caruaru, vi.1972, M[alaise] T[rap], J. Lima [collector] (CNCI); Alagoas, 1 ♂, Quebrângulo, Res[erva] Biol [ógica] Pedra Talhada, 11.ix.2002 —varredura, Penteado-Dias & equipe col[etores] (UFES 29774); Minas Gerais, 1 ♂, Marliéria, P[arque] E[stadual] Rio Doce, Mata Vinhático, 19°37'S 42°34'W, 16.xii.2000, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR Fontenelle col[etor] (UFES 104439); 1 ♂, 26.x–2.xi.2003 (UFES 109241); 1 ♂, 9–16.xi.2003 (UFES 103856); 1 ♂, 11–18.xi.2007 (UFES 104298); 1 ♂, Mata do Gambá, 17–24.vii.2001 (UFES 102909); 2 ♂, 14.xi.2002 (UFES 103740; 103743); 1 ♂, 26.x–2.xi.2003 (UFES 102976); 1 ♂, 27.x–3.xi.2004 (UFES 102958); 1 ♂, 15–22.x.2005 (UFES 102932); 1 ♂, Paracatu, Unai, Km 28, 23.iii–07.iv.1988, arm[adilha] interceptação, N. Degallier col[etor] (MPEG); 1 ♂, Belo Horizonte, UFMG, prefeitura, 2.xii.1996 —arm[adilha] Malaise, J.C.R. Fontenelle col[etor] (UFMG); Espírito Santo, 1 ♂, Pinheiros, Res[erva] Biol [ógica] Córrego do Veado, 18°21'S 40°09'W, 9–, [armadilha] Malaise, M.T. Tavares & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES 63224); 1 ♂, Linhares, Faz[enda] Benesfort, Povoação, Restinga arbórea, 8–10.x.2000 —varredura, Azevedo & Schiffler col[etores] (UFES 29622); 1 ♂, Cariacica, Res[erva] Biol [ógica] Duas Bocas, mata, 27.v.1997, varredura, C.O. Azevedo col[etor] (UFES 09979); 1 ♂, 01.viii.1997, varredura, H. Santos-Sá col[etor] (UFES 09909); 1 ♂, Domingos Martins, Pico do Eldorado, 20°22'17"S 40°39'29"W, 03–10.xii.2004, [armadilha] Malaise, Tavares e equipe col[etores] (UFES 09802); São Paulo, 1 ♂, Descalvado, Faz[enda] Itaúnas, Cerrado, 21°54'S 47°37'W, 20.x.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise, N.W. Perioto & equipe col[etores] (UFES 79864); 1 ♂, Bauru, UNESP, Cerrado,, S.S. Ruiz col[etor] (UFES 10133); PARAGUAY, Cazaapá, 2 ♂, Hermosa, López family, San Rafaeal Res [erve], 80m, 26°18'29"S 55°45'03"W, 1–3.xii.2000, FIT, Z.H. Falin [collector] (CNCI); 1 ♂, Sosa family, San Rafaeal Res [erve], 90m, 26°19'15"S 55°44'55"W, 3–6.xii.2000; Itapua, 1 ♂, San Pedro, Mi, San Rafael Res [erva], 90m, 26°31'24"S 55°48'18"W, 26–30.xi.2000, FIT, Z.H. Falin [collector] (CNCI); 1 ♂, Yataí, Hostettler Family, 100m, San Rafael Res [erva], 26°38'17"S 55°39'50"W, 21–25.xi.2000, FIT, Z.H. Falin [collector] (CNCI); 1 ♂, Karonay, 17 Km W San Rafael Res [erve], 90–110m, 26°45'53"S 55°50'37"W, 18–20.x.2000, FIT, Z.H. Falin [collector] (CNCI); BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Sul, 1 ♂, Pelotas, 16m, arm[adilha] Malaise, 31°44'39"S 52°13'22"W, 19.iii.2004, R.F. Krüger col[etor] (UFES 16706); 1 ♂, Arroio Grande, 101m, arm[adilha] Malaise, 32°13'22"S 53°11'57"W, 2.i.2004, R.F. Krüger col[etor] (UFES 15175); 1 ♂, 27.ii.2004 (UFES 16377); 6 ♂, 5.iii.2004 (UFES 16450; 16461; 16466; 30340; 30362; 30363); 5 ♂, 26.iii.2004 (UFES 16427; 16434; 16439; 16442; 16446); 2 ♂, 2.iv.2004 (UFES 15080; 15082); 2 ♂, 9.iv.2004 (UFES 16495; 30276); 4 ♂, 16.iv.2004 (UFES 15097; 15099; 15119; 15150).
Distribution. Mexico; Panama; Trinidad & Tobago; French Guyana; Brazil: Pará, Amazonas, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo; Paraguay.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1982-10-07 , 1990-06-28 , 1992-04-08 , 1993-06-07 , 1993-06-13 , 1993-06-21 , 1993-12-07 , 1995-06-02 , 1996-06-02 , 1996-12-02 , 1997-05-27 , 1997-06-01 , 2000-10-18 , 2000-11-21 , 2000-11-26 , 2000-12-01 , 2000-12-03 , 2000-12-16 , 2001-04-08 , 2001-12-02 , 2002-09-11 , 2004-01-02 , 2004-03-19 , 2004-12-03 , 2005-10-20 , 2005-11-28 , 2006-12-15 , 2007-03-06 , 2011-06-09
- Family
- Bethylidae
- Genus
- Anisepyris
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- UFES 09674 , UFES 09802 , UFES 09979 , UFES 10133 , UFES 104439 , UFES 105932 , UFES 15175 , UFES 16706 , UFES 29774 , UFES 32118 , UFES 63224 , UFES 79864
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Santos & Azevedo
- Species
- similis
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1982-10-07/25 , 1990-06-28 , 1992-04-08/15 , 1993-06-07/24 , 1993-06-13/22 , 1993-06-21/07-08 , 1993-12-07 , 1995-06-02/03 , 1996-06-02/11 , 1996-12-02 , 1997-05-27 , 1997-06-01/08 , 2000-10-18/20 , 2000-11-21/25 , 2000-11-26/30 , 2000-12-01/03 , 2000-12-03/06 , 2000-12-16 , 2001-04-08/16 , 2001-12-02 , 2002-09-11 , 2004-01-02 , 2004-03-19 , 2004-12-03/10 , 2005-10-20 , 2005-11-28 , 2006-12-15/25 , 2007-03-06 , 2011-06-09/17
- Taxonomic concept label
- Anisepyris similis Santos, 2000 sec. Barbosa & Azevedo, 2018
- Santos, H. S. & Azevedo, C. O. (2000) Sistematica das especies de Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) do Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 44, 129 - 165.