Clinterocera raui
Clinterocera raui (Paulian, 1961)
(Figs. 24–25, 37, 58–59, 80–81, 104–106, 132–133, 146, 180)
Callinomes raui Paulian, 1961: 11 (type locality: Thuyen Quang, Vietnam), fig. 340 ♀.
Clinterocera raui (Paulian): Krikken 1977: 311; Krajčík 1999: 40; Sakai & Nagai 1998: 160, plate 4, figs. 80- 1 ♂, 80- 2 ♀ (Mount Tam Dao, Vinh Phu, Vietnam); Li 2005: 31 (Long, Laos; Hainan, China); Sakai 2008: 12 (Xieng Khuang, Laos), fig. 7 ♀; Krajčík 2011: 72 (Mount Phu Phan, Hua Phan, Laos); Krajčík 2012a: 74.
Differential diagnosis. Elytral disc of this species orange, without black juxtascutellar marking (Fig. 132). The small sized body and uniform coloration of elytra serve to easily separate this species from all other species.
Redescription. General: Body length 15.6–16.8 mm; width 6.4–6.8 mm. Body black, elytral disc orange. Body surface with numerous setiferous punctures; setae yellow, stubble like. Head, pronotum, and elytral disc without tomentum; elytral declivity and pygidium with khaki tomentum (Fig. 132). Head: Clypeus apical margin raised, frons evenly convex; surface without tomentum, with sparse, fine, setiferous punctures, punctures elliptic behind clypeal apex, rounded in frons; setae short. Antennal scapus strongly expanded, subflabellate; exterior surface tomentous, with dense, minute punctures; interior surface with many setiferous punctures in margins, setae slender. Mouthparts: Prementum extremely expanded, scutellate; exterior surface matt, with dense, semicircular, setiferous punctures; setae short (Fig. 133). Pronotum: Nearly round hexagonal; margins slightly raised; anterior margin almost straight, slightly convex in medial in dorsal view; disc with sparse, minute, rounded arcuatestriolate, setiferous punctures; punctures denser in lateral portion; setae slender (Fig. 24). Scutellum: Subtriangular. Surface of anterior portion with dense, short, arcuate-striolate, setiferous punctures; setae short. Elytra: Subrectangular; disc orange, declivity black. Surface with sparse, fine, subcircular, arcuate-striolae setiferous punctures, denser in elytral declivity; setae short (Fig. 25). Disc without tomentum; lateral tomentous band distinct; posthumeral and lateral tomentous spots distinct (Figs. 104, 132). Metepisternum and metepimeron: Surface without tomentum, with dense, arcuate-striolate, setiferous punctures; setae slender. Sternum: Preprosternal apophysis robust, slightly reflexed, with cluster of long setae on the apex. Metasternum without tomentum, surface with dense, arcuate-striolate, setiferous punctures; setae short (Figs. 105, 133). Abdomen: Shallow, longitudinal groove between male abdominal sternites III–V, female abdomen convex. Abdominal sternites surface without tomentum, with dense, fine, arcuate-striolate, setiferous punctures, and sparse, fine, annulate-striolate, setiferous punctures; setae short (Figs. 105, 133). Propygidium surface with dense, short, round, setiferous punctures; setae short; terminal spiracla distinctly protruding. Pygidium: Distinctly convex. Surface tomentous, with dense, fine, round, setiferous punctures; setae short. Legs: Surface with dense, fine, sinuous striolae and arcuate, setiferous punctures; setae slender. Tibiae slender. Protibia with a small, external denticle in apical portion; an indistinct protrusion near middle of outer margin, protrusion distinct in female; apical tooth of inferior ridge of male protibia elongate, tapering, curved downwards (Fig. 37), this tooth short and indistinct in female. Mesotibia and metatibia with an indistinct protrusion near middle of outer margin; three distinct, acute protrusions in distal portion; two spurs slender, tapering (Figs. 58–59). Coxa, trochanter, anterior side of profemora, posterior side of mesofemora and metafemora, dorsal side of mesotibia and metatibia slightly tomentous (Figs. 133, 146). Tarsi with 4 tarsomeres, slender (Figs. 37, 58–59); propretarsi short, acute. Parameres: Short, outer margins constricted in medial, distal portion distinctly expanded, apex obtuse in apical view; interparameral split slightly widened (Figs. 80–81).
Variation. The size of later tomentous band on elytral declivity has a little variation.
Type material. The holotype is labeled: Tuyen-Quang / Tonkin Rau [pale yellow label] // MUSEUM PARIS / (Coll. Ph. FRANÇOIS) / Coll. L. BEDEL 1922 [pale yellow label] // Callinomes / Raui, n. sp. / R. Paulian det. [pale yellow label] // 77 / PHOTO [white label] // TYPE [red label] // MNHN / EC3848 [white label] // HOLOTYPE / Clinterocera / raui (Paulian, 1961) [white label] // HOLOTYPE [red label] (female, MNHN, Figs. 104–106).
Other material examined (12♂♂, 8♀♀). CHINA: Yunnan: 1♀ (NSCJ), Mount Leigongyan, Mengla County, 2,000 m, 27.VI–25.VII.2011; Hainan: 1♂ (BMNH, Krajčík Coll.), Mt. Jian-Feng-Ling, San Ya City, Jun. 1 –20.2004. VITNAM: 1♀ (NSCJ), 12.VI.1998, Mount Tam Dao, Vinh Phu Prov.; 1♂, 1♀ (MNHN), Tonkin; 1♂ (MNHN), H t. Tonkin N. O. de Bao Lac, D r. Battarel, 1897-1898; 3♂♂, 3♀♀ (MNHN), Tonkin Backan, Lemée, 1907; 1♂ (IRSNB), Riviere Claire Haut Tonkin, Madon. LAOS: 1♂ (NSCJ), 19–28.V.1998, Oa-Tai, Phongsali Prov; 1♂, 1♀ (QCCC), V.2012, Mount Phu Pane, Hua Phan Prov.; 2♂♂ (QCCC), II.2014, Mount Phu Pane, Hua Phan Prov.; 1♂ (BMNH, Krajčík Coll.), 26.IV–11.V.2001, Hua Phan prov., Ban Saluei, Phu Pan Mt., 20°15′N, 14°02′E, 1,500–2,000 m, J. Bezděk. MYANMAR: 1♀ (NSCJ), 5–23.VI.2008, Taunggyi, Shan state.
Natural history. Adults of Clinterocera raui have been collected together with some Coenochilus (another genus of Asian Cremastocheilini) (Jákl 2015), perhaps indicating that this is a myrmecophilous species.
Distribution. China: Yunnan (new provincial record), Laos, Myanmar (new country record), Vietnam.
Remarks. Clinterocera raui is often recorded from northern Vietnam and northern Laos (Paulian 1961; Sakai & Nagai 1998), and the distribution currently expanded to the west in Myanmar. A male specimen from Hainan, China in Krajčík’s collection has the same collecting data as the female reported by Li (2005), but their collecting data are doubtful so more specimens are required from Hainan to verify this provincial record.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1998-05-19 , 1998-06-12 , 2001-04-26 , 2008-06-05 , 2011-06-27
- Family
- Scarabaeidae
- Genus
- Clinterocera
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Paulian
- Species
- raui
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1998-05-19/28 , 1998-06-12 , 2001-04-26/05-11 , 2008-06-05/23 , 2011-06-27/07-25
- Taxonomic concept label
- Clinterocera raui (Paulian, 1961) sec. Xu, Qiu & Huang, 2018
- Paulian, R. (1961) Coleopteres Scarabeides de L'Indochine II (Rutelines et Cetonines) (suite et fin). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 130, 1 - 47.
- Krikken, J. (1977) Notes on Asian cremastochiliform genera, with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae). Zoologische Ferhandelingen, 50 (21), 309 - 320.
- Krajcik, M. (1999) Cetoniidae of the World Catalogue-Part II. Typos Studio, Most, 72 pp.
- Sakai, K. & Nagai, S. (1998) The Cetoniine Beetles of the World. Mushi-Sha's Iconographic Series of Insects. Fol. 3. Mushi- Sha, Tokyo, 421 pp.
- Li, J. K. (2005) New record of Clinterocera raui (Paulian) 1961 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidea, Cetoniidae). Cetoniimania, 2 (1), 31.
- Sakai, K. (2008) Record of cetoniid beetles from the central and northern Laos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Saikaku Tsushin, 16, 11 - 22.
- Krajcik, M. (2011) Illustrated catalogue of Cetoniinae, Trichiinae and Valginae of China (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae). Animma. x, 1 (Supplement), 1 - 113.
- Krajcik, M. (2012 a) Checklist of the world Scarabaeoidea. Animma. x, 5 (Supplement), 1 - 278.
- Jakl, S. (2015) A review of Indochinese specie of Coenochilus Schaum, 1841 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) with descriptions of two new species. Studies and Reports, Taxonomical Series, 11 (1), 65 - 75.