Published October 8, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Coynema Morffe & Garcia 2011


Coynema Morffe & García, 2011

Emended diagnosis. General. CerVical cuticle unarmed. Head Set-off from the body by a deep grooVe, bearing eight paired, elliptical and flat cephalic papillae. The papillae of each pair are oblique, With their inner tipS conVerging and almoSt contacting each other, forming a V-like arrangement. AmphidS lateral, aS reniform poreS. Buccal aperture circular. Stoma Short, Slightly conoid and Surrounded by an oeSophageal collar. OeSophaguS conSiStS of a muScular, Sub-cylindrical procorpuS, itS baSe abruptly dilated at itS joint With the Short iSthmuS. BaSal bulb pyriform, ValVe plate Well deVeloped. InteStine Simple, Sub-rectilinear, anterior portion notably dilated, forming a Sac-like Structure Slightly longer than the oeSophaguS. The end of thiS region of the inteStine iS abruptly Set-off and next to it the gut continueS aS a Simple, rectilinear tube. At thiS part, the external Surface of the inteStine almoSt toucheS the body Wall. NerVe ring encircling procorpuS at itS poSterior half. Excretory pore Ventral, poStbulbar.

Female. Body markedly fuSiform, reaching itS maximum Width at the leVel of the Sac-like Structure of the inteStine. Lateral alae preSent, from the eSophageal region to a diStance before the leVel of the VulVa. FirSt cephalic annule Slightly dilated, Short, conoid and truncate. ReproductiVe SyStem didelphic-amphidelphic. EggS large, oVoid, Smooth-Shelled. Tail long, Subulate and filiform.

Male. Body Shorter and more Slender than femaleS, itS poSterior region Ventrally curVed. Lateral alae extend from ca. the baSe of the procorpuS to a Short diStance before the leVel of the cloaca. FirSt cephalic annule not eVident. Monorchic. Spicule abSent. Tail Very Short, conoid, itS tip truncate. DorSal cuticle of the tail end thickened and Smooth. Eight copulatory papillae preSent. Pre-cloacal papillae conSiSt of a pair of large Sub-Ventral mammiliform papillae located at ca. 10 µm from the cloaca and a Sub-dorSal pair of large, mammiliform papillae near the leVel of the cloaca. TWo minute lateral pairS of poSt-cloacal papillae: one near the tail tip (ca. 3 µm from it) and other at the tail tip.


Published as part of Morffe, Jans, García, Nayla, Breugelmans, Karin, Adams, Byron J. & Hasegawa, Koichi, 2018, Morphological and molecular characterization of Coynema poeyi (Coy, García & Álvarez, 1993) (Oxyuridomorpha: Hystrignathidae) from Antillanax pertyi (Kaup, 1869) (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Cuba and new locality records for the species, pp. 29-40 in Zootaxa 4497 (1) on page 31, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4497.1.2,


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  • Morffe, J. & Garcia, N. (2011) Coynema gen. n., a new genus of nematode (Thelastomatoidea, Hystrignathidae) parasites of Passalidae (Coleoptera) from Cuba. ZooKeys, 75, 9 - 19. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 75.809