Published February 2, 2022 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Data used to evaluate ORBITS: Optimal Repair-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Semantics

  • 1. CNRS


This dataset provides the input files that were used in the evaluation of the ORBITS system (Optimal Repair-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Semantics, A detailed description is available in a technical report on arXiv (


Folders cqapri_benchmark, food_inspection_benchmark, and physicians_benchmark contain JSON files of conflict graphs and candidate queries and their causes.
These files are named using the following pattern: files of candidate answers and their causes are named <database>_<query>_answers_causes.json, and conflict graphs are named <database>_conflictGraph_<priority relation>.json where <priority relation> says whether the priority relation is score-structured (prio_score) or not (prio_non_score) and the probability (p<proba>) or number of scores (n<number>) used to build the priority relation.

Folder original_datasets_and_queries contains the Food Inspection and Physicians datasets used to generate files from food_inspection_benchmark and physicians_benchmark.
Files from cqapri_benchmark have been generated from the CQAPri benchmark available at
In all cases, we use ProvSQL ( to build conflict graphs and causes from the datasets.


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