Published June 30, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Triarius nigroflavus Riley, Clark, and Gilbert 2001


Triarius nigroflavus Riley, Clark, and Gilbert, 2001

Figs. 2d–e, 3b

Luperodes flavoniger Blake 1942: 64

Triarius flavoniger: Wilcox 1965: 166

Triarius nigroflavus Riley, Clark, and Gilbert 2001: 7 [replacement name for Luperodes flavoniger Blake (not Luperodes flavonigrum Laboissière, 1925)]

Diagnosis. The tarsal claws of this species are bifid. In males (Fig. 2d), the pronotum and elytra are black, and the head is reddish brown (sometimes dark basally). In females (Fig. 2e), each elytron is yellow with a lateral dark stripe that does not attain the epipleuron and a dark sutural stripe; no short median stripe is present. Also, the female terminal abdominal sternite is mostly pale but narrowly dark apically, and the distal half of the hind femur is mostly black. These characters

enable recognition of this species (males and females) and distinguish it from all other New World Scelidites. Specimens measure about 6.2 mm in length.

Type Material Examined. We studied the male holotype and one paratype of L. flavoniger (USNM). The holotype is adequately labeled with locality, date, and collecting information. However, the other specimen, although clearly labeled as a paratype, lacks a collecting label.Perhaps,the label was inadvertently removed and lost. Contrary to Blake’ s (1942) statement, the paratype is male, not female.

Type Locality. “El Toro, Orange County, Calif.”

Geographic Distribution. We examined specimens only from Orange County, California.

Temporal Distribution. We examined adults collected in May and June.

Plant Association. This species is reported from Adenostoma fasciculatum (Clark et al. 2004). Specimens labeled with this association are included in the material we examined.

Comments. Blake (1942) based her original description of L. flavoniger on only two specimens, the male holotype and a paratype that she indicated to be female. In actuality, both specimens are male. This mistake has probably fostered the misunderstanding that the pronotum and elytra of females are like those of males, entirely dark. Contrary to this notion, the coloration is very different, as noted in the diagnosis above. In addition to the type material, we examined 21 other specimens.


Published as part of Clark, Shawn M. & Anderson, E. Russell, 2019, A Review Of Triarius Jacoby, 1887 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Luperini), With Descriptions Of A New Genus And Four New Species, pp. 343-357 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 73 (2) on pages 352-353, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-73.2.343,


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Scientific name authorship
Riley, Clark, and Gilbert
Taxon rank
Type status
Taxonomic concept label
Triarius nigroflavus Riley, 2001 sec. Clark & Anderson, 2019


  • Riley, E. G., S. M. Clark, and A. J. Gilbert. 2001. New records, nomenclatural changes, and taxonomic notes for select North American leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Insecta Mundi 15 (1): 1 - 17.
  • Blake, D. H. 1942. The chrysomelid beetles Luperodes bivittatus (Leconte) and varicornis (Leconte) and some allied species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 92 (3129): 57 - 74, pls. 5 - 6.
  • Wilcox, J. A. 1965. A synopsis of the North American Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). New York State Museum and Science Service Bulletin 400: 1 - 226.
  • Clark, S. M., D. G. LeDoux, T. N. Seeno, E. G. Riley, A. J. Gilbert, and J. M. Sullivan. 2004. Host plants of leaf beetle species occurring in the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae, Chrysomelidae, excluding Bruchinae). The Coleopterists Society Special Publication 2: 1 - 476.