Published September 30, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Solariola comata Bello' & Osella & Baviera 2019, sp.n.


Solariola comata Bellò, Osella & Baviera sp.n.

(Figs 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 34e, 46e, 80, 80 ’, 123, 166, 209) 960705B6-602F-4C96-8EA3-9FFB18C1023D

Type locality. Sicily, Messina, Peloritani Mountains, Rometta, Gimello, San Leone, 480m (Fig. 260).

Diagnosis. A small to medium size Solariola (TL: 2.9 0–3.15 mm; BL: 2.30–2.60 mm) belonging to the paganettii group with slender body shape. Within the species group, it is recognisable by dark– red-brownish cuticle, elytra with very close and deep punctures, and rostrum with lots of pappolepida. Rostrum more robust (RL: 0.45–0.50 mm, RW: 0.30–0.35 mm, RL/RW: 1.43–1.50). Mesorostrum carinae slightly divergent to sides. Forehead convex (FW/MW: 2.00–2.00). Submentum and laterally mesorostrum with lots, elongate, whitish-yellowish pappolepida. Antennae long and thin (SL: 0.50–0.55 mm, FL: 0.75–0.80 mm, SL/FL: 0.67–0.69). Pronotum longer than wide (PL: 0.65–0.70 mm, PW: 0.60–0.65 mm, PL/PW: 1.08–1.08) without echinopappolepida at base. Elongate, subparallel elytra, dorsally vaulted (EL: 1.65–1.85 mm, EW: 0.82–0.90 mm, EL/EW: 2.01–2.05) with thin and elongate setae raised.

Type series. Holotype male with following labels: [genitalia in DHMF] [transparent label] / ♂ [w, p] / Sicilia: Messina, Peloritani, Rometta, Gimello San Leone, sub Quercus, 480m, 20. V. 2008, leg. Baviera C. [osimo] [w, p] / collezione Cesare Bellò, Castefranco Veneto [g, p] / Solariola comata Holotype det. Bellò, Osella & Baviera, 2018 [r, p] / esemplare fotografato by Francesco Sacco [y, p] (MCIZ).

Paratypes. Five specimens with following labels: Messina, Peloritani, Rometta, Gimello San Leone, sub Quercus, 480m, 20. V. 2008, leg. Baviera C.[osimo] [w, p] / collezione Cesare Bellò, Castefranco Veneto [g, p], 1 female (CBE); Italy, Sicily, Messina, Peloritani, Rometta, Chiesa di San Leone, vaglio Quercus, Castanea, Hedera Chiesa San Leone, 516m, 38°08.881’N 15°25.802’E 20.XI.2018, Bellò & Baviera leg. [w, p] / collezione Cesare Bellò, Castefranco Veneto [g, p], 1 male and 1 female (CBA, CBE); Italy, Sicily, Messina, Peloritani, Rometta, da San Leone a Gimello, vaglio Quercus, Castanea, Hedera strada San Leone—Gimello, 600m, 38°09.246’N 15°25.923’E, 20.XI.2018, Bellò & Baviera leg. [w, p] / collezione Cesare Bellò, Castefranco Veneto [g, p], 1 male (CBE). All with label: Solariola comata paratype det. Bellò, Osella & Baviera, 2018 [r, p].

Other specimen examined: 6 (2 males and 4 females) with the following labels: Sicilia, M.ti Peloritani, presso Pellegrino (ME), muschio e foglie Quercia, 26. III. 1972, F. Bernini [w, hw] / Solariola / Solariola comata det. Bellò, Osella & Baviera, 2018 [w, p] / Museo Civico Genova [w, p], 1 male (MSNG); Sicilia: Messina, Rometta, Gimello, vaglio Olea, 400m, 25. XI. 2011, leg. Baviera C.[osimo] [w, p], 1 female (CBA); Italy, Sicily, Messina, Peloritani, Rometta, da San Leone a Gimello, vaglio Quercus, Castanea, Hedera strada San Leone—Gimello, 600m, 38°09.246’N 15°25.923’E, 20.XI.2018, Bellò & Baviera leg. [w, p], 1 male and 3 female (CBA, CBE). All with label: Solariola comata det. Bellò, Osella & Baviera, 2018 [w, p].

Holotype description. Male. See Figs 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, 34d, 34e. Elongate body (T L: 2.90 mm, BL: 2.30 mm). Dark–brownish cuticle.

Rostrum short and more robust (RL: 0.45 mm, RW: 0.30 mm, RL/RW: 1.50), conical to sides with pterygium expanded. Epistome absent. Mesorostrum carinae divergent to sides. Submentum with lots of elongate and whitishyellowish pappolepida, also visible around mesorostrum. Interocular pit not visible. Forehead convex (FW/MW: 2.00). Vestigial eyes convex, visible.

Antennae thin and elongate (SL: 0.50 mm, FL: 0.75 mm, SL/FL: 0.67); AS ratio: Scape clubbed, slightly more robust than funicle, curved at proximal third and progressively thickening towards apex. Funicle long and thin; all segments with elongate and thin setae. Club three-segmented, oval–elongate, in length twice the width, densely covered by thin setae.

Pronotum longer than wide (PL: 0.65 mm, PW: 0.60 mm, PL/PW: 1.08), wider in distal half and without echinopappolepida at base. Scutellum visible.

Elytra elongate, sub-parallel to sides, dorsally vaulted (EL: 1.65 mm, EW: 0.82 mm, EL/EW: 2.01), wider at middle with convex suture. Humeri rounded. Striae with 15 punctures, catenulate, very close and deep. Interstriae a little convex with thin and elongate setae raised. Elytral declivity> 60 degrees.

Legs short and robust with clubbed femora. Protibia with eight acute spines on inner edge and an evident mucro on inner apical angle. Protibia sinuous on inner edge and curved in side view. Metatibia and mesotibia straight in side view. All tibia with noticeable apical comb. Tarsal segment 1 short, conical; segment 2 short and transverse; segment 3 very bilobed; all segments with thin golden setae. Onychium curved, robust and short with one short claw.

Male genitalia. See Figs: dorsal shape aedeagus Fig. 80; apex of penis Fig. 80 ’; IX sternite Fig. 123.

Female genitalia. See Figs: spermatheca Fig. 166; VIII sternite Fig. 209.

Sexual dimorphism. Males can usually be recognized by their smaller size, slender appearance, more rounded humeri, legs stronger with a more noticeable apical mucro, and ventrites 1 and 2 slightly hollowed.

Paratypes variability. Paratypes, sexual dimorphism excluded, are similar to the holotype but differs in size.

Distribution. See Figs. 223, 223a. Sicilian endemic. Known from Peloritani Mounts, mainly around the “San Leone” church (Rometta) at 400–500 meters of elevation.

Etymology. Named following the suggestion of our lost friend Carlo Pesarini (1946-2017) from the Latin word comatus (provided with many hairs) for its numerous rostral setae.

Ecology and Phenology. Have been sifted adults of S. comata from the soil of an old Quercus and Castanea forest growing on a moist limestonesoil.

Main soil type. Dystrict Cambisol (European Soil Data Centre; Panagos et al. 2012).

Reproduction. Amphigonic.

Associated species. Sympatric with Pseudomeira erinacea Bellò & Baviera (2011).


Published as part of Bello', Cesare, Osella, Giuseppe & Baviera, Cosimo, 2019, A taxonomic monograph of the genus Solariola Flach, 1908 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae), pp. 1-261 in Zootaxa 4676 (1) on pages 183-188, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4676.1.1,


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Scientific name authorship
Bello' & Osella & Baviera
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Taxonomic concept label
Solariola comata Osella & Baviera, 2019


  • Baviera, C. & Platia, G. (2018) The Elateridae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) excl. Cebrionini and Drilini of Sicily: Recent records and updated checklist. Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti-Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 96 (2), A 1, 1 - 33. https: // doi. org / 10.1478 / AAPP. 962 A 1
  • Panagos P., Van Liedekerke M., Jones, A. & Montanarella, L. (2012) European Soil Data Centre: Response to European policy support and public data requirements. Land Use Policy, 29 (2), 329 - 338. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. landusepol. 2011.07.003
  • Bello, C. & Baviera, C. (2011) On the Sicilian species of Pseudomeira Stierlin (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae). Zoo- taxa, 3100 (1), 35 - 68. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3100.1.2