Published February 18, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Macronotops vuilleti


Macronotops vuilleti (Bourgoin, 1916)

(Figs. 16–17, 39–40, 63–64, 94–97, 119, 131, 169–172, 219–220, 238–242, 258, 279–281, 309)

Macronota vuilleti Bourgoin, 1916: 135 (type locality: Chapa, Lao-Kay, Tonkin [=Sa Pa, Lao Cai, N. Vietnam])*; Schenkling

1921: 143. Coilodera vuilleti (Bourgoin): Paulian 1960: 18. Pleuronota vuilleti (Bourgoin): Mikšić 1971: 208; Mikšić 1976: 170 (holotype). Macronotops vuilleti vuilleti (Bourgoin): Krikken 1977: 208; Krajčík 1998: 90; Sakai 2008: 20 (Mount Phu Pan & Xam Neua,

Laos)*, fig. 72 ♂; Krajčík 2011: 59; Krajčík 2012: 152.

Type material. Holotype (by monotypy, ♂, BMNH, Figs. 238–242): Macronota vuilleti Bourgoin, Type [white label with red right edge]// Holotype [white label with red border] // Bourgoin Coll., B. M. 1938-252 [pale yellow label] // Macronota vuilleti Bourg. ♂, M. E. Bacchus det 1974, HOLOTYPE [white label].

Additional material examined (20♂♂, 5♀). CHINA: Yunnan: 6♂♂, 1♀ (QCCC), Mount Huanglianshan Nature Reserve, Lüchun County, 1,900 m, Jian-Yue QIU & Hao XU, 3 nd instar larvae in rotten wood 21.II.2018, adult emerged V.2018. VIETNAM: 1♂ (QCCC), V.2015, Mount Sapa, Lao Cai prov. LAOS: 2♂♂, 1♀ (QCCC), V.2013, Mount Phu Pane, Hua Phan prov.; 5♂♂ (QCCC), VI.2014, Mount Phu Pane, Hua Phan Prov., 2,060 m; 1♂ (KSCJ), 15–24. V.2004, Phu Pan (Mt.), Houa Phan Prov., T. Mizusawa; 5♂♂ (KSCJ), VII.2005, Xam Nua, Hua Phan Prov.; 1♀ (KSCJ), 10–21. VI.2010, Phou Pan (Mt.), Houa Phan Prov., St. Jakl; 1♀ (KSCJ), V.2012, Mt. Pan, Sam Neua, Houa Pan Prov.; 1♀ (KSCJ), V.2007, Xan Neua, Hua Phan Prov.

Redescription (male). General: Body length 16.5–18.0 mm; width 7.0–7.5 mm, widest at humeral umbone, gradually narrowed backward. Body reddish-brown to dark brown. Surface with fulvous, light yellow and black setae, and yellow tomentous maculae. Head: Brown. Dorsal surface with dense, setiferous, punctures; setae short, fulvous, but long on frons. Anterior margin of clypeus nearly straight and slightly raised. Frons flat or with an indistinct longitudinal ridge (Fig. 16). Maxillary palpus and labial palpus dark brown. Antenna yellowish-brown to dark brown; antennal club long, about 1.5 times of antennomeres 2–7 combined; inner side of antennomere 8 with dense, fulvous setae (Fig. 16). Ventral surface clad with long, fulvous setae (Fig. 170). Pronotum: Reddish-brown to brown. Widest at base, basomedian area depressed. Lateral margin curved; posterior margin distinctly protruded. Surface densely clad with long, fulvous and black setae (Fig. 169). Scutellum: Reddish-brown to dark brown, with sparse, fulvous setae. Elytron: Humeral umbone, disc, lateral declivity, and distal declivity reddish-brown; juxtascutellar area dark brown; with posthumeral macula, lateral macula, median macula, and distal macula. Surface densely clad with setae; setae long between sutural and discolateral costae; setae black on lateral declivity, light yellow on maculae; setae fulvous on the rest of elytron; humeral umbone glabrous (Fig. 169). Mesepimeron, metepisternum and metepimeron: Dark brown, with fulvous and/or dark brown setae. Sternum: Preprosternum reddish, with sparse, fulvous setae on sides. Mesosternum dark reddish-brown, with sparse, fulvous setae. Mesometasternal process short, glabrous, dark reddish-brown, apex rounded; mesometasternal suture depressed, with long, fulvous setae. Metasternum black, with long, fulvous setae; middle portion glabrous (Fig. 170). Pygidium: Brown. With a small yellow macula. Surface densely clad with setae; setae fulvous in middle, dark brown on sides (Fig. 94). Abdomen: Dark reddish-brown. With a slightly depressed longitudinal groove in median. Six abdominal sternites visible; sternites surface clad with fulvous setae; setae on sternite II long, dense; setae on sternites III–V longer on sides, but almost glabrous in median; setae near posterior margin of sternite VI long, dense; sternite VII with sparse, short setae on sides. Sternites II–V densely clad with black and fulvous setae in dorsal and lateral portion (Fig. 170). Legs: Reddish-brown, slender, simple. Metacoxa, femora, and tibia clad with long, fulvous and light yellow setae. Protibia without tiny tooth (Fig. 39); mesotibia and metatibia with a sharp spine near the middle of outer margin; metatibia with a row of brush-like, fulvous setae along inner margin (Figs. 169–170); dorsal tooth of metatibia longer than basitarsus of metatarsus (Fig. 63). Tarsi simple; basitarsus of metatarsus with a cluster of dense, long setae (Fig. 63). Genitalia: Parameres broad, short; apex rounded, distinctly expanded. Interparameral split wide, gradually constricted to apex; base with membrane, slightly divided in medial. Median lobe wide at base, filiform apically; distinctly longer than paramere (Fig. 119).

Female. Body length 17.0–17.5 mm; width 7.7–8.0 mm. Except for sexual dimorphism characteristics of the genus, body color darker (Fig. 1 71), dorsal tooth of metatibia larger (Fig. 64), setae on mesotibia and metatibia shorter (Figs. 171–172), and basitarsus of metatarsus with less setae (Fig. 64).

Variability. Features are stable, but pygidium of some specimens without yellow macula (Figs. 95–96), and setae are black (Fig. 96).

Differential diagnosis. Length of clypeus almost equal to width. Antenna yellowish-brown to dark brown (Figs. 16–17). Male pronotum clad with fulvous long setae. Elytra with posthumeral maculae, median maculae, lateral maculae, and distal maculae (Figs. 169, 171). Pygidium with a yellow macula (Figs. 94, 97), sometimes absent (Figs. 95–96). Abdominal sides without yellow maculae (Figs. 1 70, 172); male abdomen with a slightly longitudinal groove. Protibia without tiny tooth (Figs. 39–40); dorsal tooth of male metatibia longer than basitarsus of metatarsus (Fig. 63).

This species is similar to Macronota fulvoguttatus, and the differences are provided in the differential diagnosis of that species.

Distribution. China (new country record): Yunnan; Vietnam; Laos.

Natural history. Larvae of this species were excavated from several rotten trunks in February and finally emerged in May. The habitus is a slope by a stream in Mount Huanglianshan of southern Yunnan, and the trunks were lying under a forest composed of bamboo and Amomum tsaoko Crevost et Lemarie (Zingiberaceae) (Figs. 279–281).

Remarks. Macronota vuilleti was rarely reported and previously only known from northeastern Laos and northern Vietnam (Bourgoin 1916; Sakai 2008). This species is also occurring in southern Yunnan of China close to the type locality.


Published as part of Qiu, Jian-Yue, Xu, Hao & Chen, Li, 2019, A revision of the rare flower beetle genus Macronotops Krikken (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Asia with biological notes, pp. 1-65 in Zootaxa 4556 (1) on pages 38-40, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4556.1.1,


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Collection code
B, M, E , BMNH , KSCJ , KSCJ, V , QCCC , QCCC, V , QCCC, VI , QIU , T , V , VI
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Taxonomic concept label
Macronotops vuilleti (Bourgoin, 1916) sec. Qiu, Xu & Chen, 2019


  • Bourgoin, A. (1916) Description de trois Macronota nouveaux (Col. Scarabaeidae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France Paris, 1916 (7), 133 - 137.
  • Schenkling, S. (1921) Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae. In: Schenkling, S. (Ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus. Fol. XXI. Scarabaeidae III Pars. 72. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1 - 431.
  • Paulian, R. (1960) Coleopteres Scarabeides de L'Indochine (Rutelines et Cetonines) (Suite). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 129, 1 - 87.
  • Miksic, R. (1971) Notizien uber ostasiatische Cetoniiden. (72. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Scarabaeiden). Bulletin Scientifique, Conseil des Academies de la RPF Yougoslavie. Section A. Sciences Naturelles, Techniques et Medicales, 16 (7 - 8), 208 - 210.
  • Miksic, R. (1976) Monographie der Cetonniiae der Palaarktischen und Orientalischen Region. Coleoptera: Lamellicornia. Band 1. Institut za sumarstvo, Sarajevo, 444 pp.
  • Krikken, J. (1977) The Asian genus Pleuronota Kraatz and allied forms: a clarification (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae). Zoologische Mededelingen, 51 (13), 199 - 209.
  • Krajcik, M. (1998) Cetoniidae of the World Catalogue-Part I. Typos Studio, Most, 96 pp.
  • Sakai, K. (2008) Record of Cetoniid beetles from the central and northern Laos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Saikaku-Tsushin, 16, 11 - 22. [in Japanese]
  • Krajcik, M. (2011) Illustrated catalogue of Cetoniinae, Trichiinae and Valginae of China (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae). Animma. x, Supplement, 1 - 113.
  • Krajcik, M. (2012) Checklist of the World Scarabaeoidea. Animma. x, Supplement, 5, 1 - 278.