Lasius Fabricius
Lasius Fabricius
americanus Emery. Alleghany, Amherst, Bland, Caroline, Carroll, Chesapeake, Fairfax, Fauquier, Giles,
Gloucester, Halifax, Hanover, Henry, Henrico, Isle of Wight, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Nelson,
Norfolk, Northampton, Patrick, Prince Edward, Prince William, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Scott,
Shenandoah, Southampton, Suffolk, Sussex, Virginia Beach, Washington, York (FMNH, MCZ, MMPC,
RUIC, USNM, USNPS, VMNH, VPISU). Literature records: Augusta, Fairfax, Giles, Virginia Beach (Cole
1949, Wang et al. 2000, Kjar & Barrows 2004, Kjar 2009, Guenard & Drew 2011, Kjar & Park 2016),
“ Virginia ” (Mayr 1886, Peck et al. 1998, Guenard et al. 2012). aphidicola (Walsh). Albemarle, Appomattox, Augusta, Caroline, Chesapeake, Dickenson, Fairfax, Fauquier,
Franklin, Giles, Greensville, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Henry, Montgomery, Norfolk, Northampton,
Prince William, Pulaski, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Suffolk, Sussex, Virginia Beach (FMNH, MCZ,
RUIC, USNM, VMNH, VPISU), “ Virginia ” (NMSU). Literature records: Augusta, Fairfax (Wang et al.
2000, Kjar 2009, Kjar & Park 2016), “ Virginia ” (Mayr 1886, Emery 1893, Wheeler 1910c, Peck et al. 1998,
Guenard et al. 2012). brevicornis Emery. Arlington, Chesapeake, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Floyd, Franklin, Halifax, Isle of Wight,
Louisa, Northampton, Pittsylvania, Prince William, Suffolk, Sussex, Wythe (MCZ, USNM, VMNH).
Literature records: Giles (Cole 1949), “ Virginia ” (Mayr 1886, Emery 1893, Revis & Waller 2004). claviger (Roger). Albemarle, Appomattox, Augusta, Charles City, Chesapeake, Dinwiddie, Fairfax,
Fauquier, Floyd, Frederick, Giles, Hanover, Henry, Henrico, Isle of Wight, Madison, Montgomery,
Patrick, Prince William, Pulaski, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Sussex, Tazewell, Virginia Beach,
Westmoreland (FMNH, JTLC, MCZ, RUIC, USNM, VMNH, VPISU), “ Virginia ” (INHS). Literature
records: Fairfax (Kjar 2009), “ Virginia ” (Mayr 1886, Emery 1893, Wing 1968, Guenard et al. 2012). interjectus Mayr. Campbell, Fairfax, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Montgomery, Patrick, Prince George,
Rockbridge, Shenandoah, Spotsylvania, Suffolk, Virginia Beach (MCZ, MMPC, VMNH, VPISU),
“ Virginia ” (INHS). Literature records: “ Virginia ” (Mayr 1886, Emery 1893, Wing 1968, Guenard et al.
2012). latipes (Walsh). Literature records: “ Virginia ” (Emery 1893). minutus Emery. Literature records: Fairfax (Wilson 1955), “ Virginia ” (Mayr 1886, Smith, D.R. 1979, Coovert
2005, Ellison et al. 2012, Guenard et al. 2012). * murphyi Forel. Fairfax: 38.9011° N, - 77.2656° W, 30.viii.1943, JC Bridwell leg., no determination information
available (OSUC: OSUC53970); Patrick: Route 720, S of Blue Ridge Parkway, mile 170, 16.x.1993, K
Hedlund leg., K Hedlund det. December 1993 (MCZ: MCZENT557362). nearcticus Wheeler, W.M. Caroline, Fauquier, Franklin, Greene, Rappahannock, Rockingham, Shenandoah
(MCZ, USNPS, VMNH). Literature records: Augusta (Wang et al. 2000), “ Virginia ” (Guenard et al. 2012). neoniger Emery. Albemarle, Augusta, Clarke, Dinwiddie, Fairfax, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, Henry, Isle
of Wight, Montgomery, Northampton, Patrick, Shenandoah, Virginia Beach, Washington, York (FMNH,
JTLC, MCZ, MMPC, RUIC, USNM, VMNH, VPISU). Literature records: Fairfax (Wilson 1955), “ Virginia ”
(Peck et al. 1998, Guenard et al. 2012). subumbratus Viereck. Literature records: Fairfax (Kjar 2009), “ Virginia ” (Guenard et al. 2012).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Family
- Formicidae
- Genus
- Lasius
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Fabricius
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Cole, A. C. Jr. (1949) The ants of Mountain Lake, Virginia. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science, 29, 284 - 285.
- Wang, C., Strazanac, J. & Butler, L. (2000) Abundance, diversity, and activity of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in oakdominated mixed Appalachian forests treated with microbial pesticides. Environmental Entomology, 29, 579 - 586. https: // doi. org / 10.1603 / 0046 - 225 X- 29.3.579
- Kjar, D. & Barrows, E. M. (2004) Arthropod community heterogeneity in a mid-Atlantic forest highly invaded by alien organisms. Banisteria, 23, 26 - 37.
- Kjar, D. S. (2009) The ant community of a Riparian Forest in the Dyke Marsh Preserve, Fairfax County, Virginia, and a checklist of Mid-Atlantic Formicidae. Banisteria, 33, 3 - 17.
- Guenard, B. & Drew, C. A. (2011) Ant Species of MacKay Island and Back Bay National Wildlife Refuges: Results of Opportunistic Sampling in Diverse Habitats in July 2010. Prepared for Back Bay and Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuges, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D. C., 10 pp.
- Kjar, D. & Park, Z. (2016) Increased ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) incidence and richness are associated with alien plant cover in a small mid-Atlantic riparian forest. Myrmecological News, 22, 109 - 117.
- Mayr, G. (1886) Die Formiciden der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Verhandlungen der k. k. Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 36, 419 - 464. [in German]
- Peck, S. L., McQuaid, B. & Campbell, C. L. (1998) Using ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a biological indicator of agroecosystem condition. Environmental Entomology, 27, 1102 - 1110. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / ee / 27.5.1102
- Guenard, B., Mccaffrey, K. A., Lucky, A. & Dunn, R. (2012) Ants of North Carolina: an updated list (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa, 3552, 1 - 36.
- Emery, C. (1893) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss.). Zoologische Jahrbucher Abteilung fur Systematik Okologie und Geographie der Tiere, 7, 633 - 682. [in German]
- Wheeler, W. M. (1910 c) The North American forms of Lasius umbratus Nylander. Psyche, 17, 235 - 243. https: // doi. org / 10.1155 / 1910 / 25097
- Revis, H. C. & Waller, D. A. (2004) Bactericidal and fungicidal activity of ant chemicals on feather parasites: an evaluation of anting behavior as a method of self-medication in songbirds, The Auk, 121, 1262 - 1268. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 4090493
- Wing, M. W. (1968) Taxonomic revision of the Nearctic genus Acanthomyops (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir, 405, 1 - 173.
- Wilson, E. O. (1955) A monographic revision of the ant genus Lasius. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard College, 113, 1 - 201.
- Smith, D. R. (1979) Superfamily Formicoidea. In: Krombein, K. V., Hurd, P. D., Smith, D. R. & Burks, B. D. (Eds.), Catalog of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico. Vol. 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. C., pp. 1323 - 1467.
- Coovert, G. A. (2005) The Ants of Ohio. Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin New Series, 15, 1 - 196.
- Ellison, A. M., Gotelli, N. J., Farnsworth, E. J. & Alpert, G. D. (2012) A field guide to the ants of New England. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 398 pp.