Published January 15, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pseudoamycle polylepisae Campodonico & Fierro 2019, sp. nov.


Pseudoamycle polylepisae sp. nov.

(Figs 1–27)

Type material. Holotype: male, Chile, [Arica and Parinacota reg.] Parinacota prov., Socoroma, 2.III.2017. Mauricio Cid Arcos leg., on Polylepis rugulosa (MNNC). Paratypes: Chile, [Arica and Parinacota reg.] Parinacota prov., Putre, Zapahuira, 23.III.2013. A. Fierro leg., under bark of Polylepis rugulosa 1 male, 1 female (MNNC); Chile, R. de Arica y Parinacota, Zapahuira, muerto en tela de araña [dead in a spider web], V. 2014, Leg. J. Sepúlveda, 1 female (JFCW).

Description. Measurements. Total length: male holotype, 19.6 mm; female paratype, 24 mm; male paratype with short cephalic process, 20 mm. Body length (excluding wings): male holotype, 15 mm; female paratype, 16.8 mm; male paratype with short cephalic process, 12.8 mm. Width (maximum width of thorax): male holotype, 4.6 mm; female paratype, 6 mm; male paratype with short cephalic process 5.2 mm.

Coloration. General body brown, with reddish or yellowish tones due to reddish or yellowish pale granules and markings (Figs 1–11, 27). Pale granules densely covering head, pronotum and legs; slightly sparser at discal areas of mesonotum (Figs 1–11). Median carinae of pro– and mesonotum and carinae of head with slightly darker coloration, regularly interrupted with pale markings or granules (Figs 2–11). Legs with darker coloration alternated with transverse paler fringes. Hind wings with base first black, then red; translucent area indistinctly infuscate with brown at cells; venation black to dark brown (Figs 1, 27).

Head. Coryphe including process about as long as pro– and mesonotum, nearly twice as basal width; basal trapezoidal section slightly shorter than process section with subparallel margins; apex slightly widened, arcuate (Figs 6–7). Head from lateral view with process tapering apically, first diagonally ascendant, then abruptly or gradually declivous; dorsal and ventral marginal carinae of process sharp, variably angulate near midlength; vertical striae craniad to eye (Figs 2–4). Metope with lateral carinae starting slightly craniad of metopoclypeal suture, at first slightly diverging, then parallel until fore 1/3 where they abruptly bend outwards and inwards, and finally diverge to apex of process (Figs 9–10).

Thorax. Pronotum with median length about 1/3 to 2/5 of maximum width; median lobe of anterior margin indistinctly notched; fossettes positioned near level of base of median lobe; marginal carinae arcuate and sharp; lateral angles obtuse (Figs 6–8). Mesonotum with length from posterior margin of pronotum to apex about 1/2 of width; disc subapically somewhat depressed, then scutellum elevated (Figs 6–8).

Wings. Tegmina elongate and narrow, 3/2 as long as broad; costal and sutural margins subparallel, then costal margin very slightly converging after nodal line; costal angle moderately arcuate; sutural angle smooth (Fig. 1). Hindwings well developed; costal margin somewhat straight at basal 4/7, then slightly convex; external margin indistinctly concave near middle; angles broadly arcuate (Fig. 1).

Male terminalia. Pygofer about 3/2 as tall as wide; in lateral view subtrapezoidal, with length at middle about 2/7 of basal height; hind margins gently sinuate (Figs 12–13, 25–26). Phallus from dorsal view broadened subapically, slightly longer than wide; suspensorium wide, platelike, bent from lateral view (Figs 14–15, 23–24). Styli more than two times as long as maximum wide; outer margin with laterodorsal tooth positioned at end of basal third; laterodorsal tooth with base broad, apical spine curved ventrad and craniad (Figs 16–17, 25–26). Segment X (~anal flap) with maximum width subapical, slightly wider than median length; hind margin roundly concave; in lateral view broadened subapically, then obtusely angled caudally (Figs 18–19, 25–26). Segment XI with paraproct rhomb shaped, about 3/5 as long as median length of segment X; epiproct with hind margins angulate in V (Fig. 19).

Female terminalia. Tergum IX with arms stout, from ventral/dorsal view slightly converging distad (Figs 20– 21). Gonoplacs with dorsal margin concave; hind margin with inferior half convex, superior half concave and membranous (Fig. 21). Gonocoxae VIII with basal margin convex until inferior side which is gently concave; hind margin concave (Fig. 20). Segment X (~anal flap) with median length about one half of maximum width; sides flat with margins rounded; hind margin roundly concave; base obtuse (Fig. 22). Segment XI with paraproct ovate, apex acute, about 4/5 as long as median length of segment X; epiproct with hind margins angulate in V (Fig. 22).

Intraspecific variation. The male from Zapahuira has a distinctly shorter cephalic process and eyes slightly larger (Figs 5, 8, 11): length of coryphe 2/3 as long as pro– and mesonotum and 1.4 times of basal width; basal trapezoidal section of head longer than process section with parallel sides; apex of process truncate; metope with lateral carinae immediately diverging to apex of process after parallel portion (not abruptly bent outwards and inwards).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the host plant genus, Polylepis Ruiz & Pav.

Note. Additional five specimens of undetermined sex were destroyed due to the damage suffered during the barking.

Host plant. Seven specimens of newly described species were found under the bark and one was collected by beating the leaves of Polylepis rugulosa Bitter (Rosaceae). This plant is categorized as “vulnerable” according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1998) and as “endangered” according to the Chilean legislation (Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia, 2008).


Published as part of Campodonico, Juan F. & Fierro, Andrés, 2019, Pseudoamycle polylepisae gen. et sp. nov., a fulgorid from the highlands of Northern Chile (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), pp. 589-597 in Zootaxa 4544 (4) on pages 592-594, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4544.4.9,


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Collection code
Event date
2013-03-23 , 2017-03-02
Scientific name authorship
Campodonico & Fierro
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
2013-03-23 , 2017-03-02
Taxonomic concept label
Pseudoamycle polylepisae Campodonico & Fierro, 2019


  • World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1998) Polylepis rugulosa. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 1998, e. T 37152 A 10037017. https: // doi. org / 10.2305 / IUCN. UK. 1998. RLTS. T 37152 A 10037017. en
  • Ministerio Secretaria General de la Presidencia (2008) D. S. N ° 51 / 2008. Aprueba y oficializa nomina para el tercer proceso de clasificacion de especies segun su estado de conservacion. Diario Oficial de la Republica de Chile, 39100, 4 - 5.