Philogenia Selys 1862
Philogenia Selys 1862
A large genus, with 36 described species, six of which are recorded in Ecuador with another species or two ques- tionably occurring. See Calvert (1924) and Bick & Bick (1988) for species identification, based mainly on males. The adults are drably colored (Fig. 53) and species identification relies mainly on male appendage morphology. Nymphs live in edges of very small streams and seepage runs, in forested areas. Five of the six species in Ecuador are endemic to the country.
Philogenia cassandra (Hagen in Selys, 1862). Publ. Recs. ECU: Schmidt (1942), Racenis (1953, 1959), Paulson (1983), Tsuda (1986, 1991), (P11), (H14); PA: *Selys (1886—Bobonaza (-1.5833, -77.8000, 600m), leg.? det. Selys, 1886 data provide by RWG [RWG]), Bick & Bick (1988). Also COL, PER, VEN: (H08), (P11).
Philogenia macuma Dunkle, 1986. Publ. Recs. ECU: Tsuda (1986, 1991), Steinmann (1997a), Paulson (2009), (H14); MS: * Dunkle (1986 — Holotype: [Taisha:] Macuma (867m), 2 ii 1972, leg. D. Pearson, FSCA]), Bridges (1993), Bick & Bick (1988), NA: Bick & Bick (1988); PA: Bick & Bick (1988).
Addl. Data. MS, Taisha: 2 ♂♂, Macuma, forest trail (-2.17, -77.65, 867m), 2 ii 1972, leg. D. Pearson, det. SWD [FSCA, RWG]; NA, Tena: 1 ♂, Río Jatun-yacu, Ilupulin Creek (vicinity of Napo), headwater trib. Río Napo (-1.0167, -77.8333, 700m), i 1935, leg. WCM, det. RWG, from UMMZ (RWG); 1#, 3 ♀♀, Jatun Yacu, Río Napo watershed (-1.0167, -77.8333, 700m), iii 1937, leg. WCM, det. RWG, from C. Kennedy /UMMZ [RWG]; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, J.S. B.S., camiño hacia o Napo (-1.0638, -77.6201, 451m), 8 xi 2014, leg. & det. ACRP [ACRP]; PA, Pastaza: 3 ♂♂, stream 2 km S of Comunidad Chuwitayo road between Macas and Puyo (-1.9000, -77.8033, 800m), 9 xi 1997, leg. & det. TWD [JJD, SWD]; Santa Clara: 1 ♂, Río Arajuno, Dayuma Camp (-1.1000, -77.5833, 434m), 22 ix 1990, leg. B. Clark, det. RWG [RWG]. Note: Ecuador endemic.
Philogenia mangosisa Bick & Bick, 1988. Publ. Recs. ECU: Tsuda (1991), Steinmann (1997a), (H08), (P11), (H14); MS: * Bick & Bick (1988 — Holotype: [Morano:] (-2.5244, -77.8947, 850m), 30 xi 1945, leg. L. Alonzo, UMMZ]), Bridges (1993), Tennessen (1998 —as P. raphaella Selys, 1886), Garrison et al. (2003), Tennessen (2006); ZA: Bybee & Tennessen (2008).
Addl. Data. MS, Limón Indanza: 4 ♂♂, stream, Hwy. 45, 25.3 km N of Indanza (-2.9217, -78.4031, 1110m), 7 xi 1997, leg. & det. KJT [KJT]; 1 ♂, same data but 5 xi 1997, leg. & det. JJD [JJD]; 1 ♂, same data but 9 ix 1997, leg. JJD, det. WFM [SWD]; Huamboya: 5 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Río Pasanac waterfall, 57 km N of Macas, Hwy. 45, 16 viii 2005, leg. & det. JJD [JJD]; 1 ♂, small stream, near Río Pasanac, 80 km N of Sucua, 9 xi 2007, leg. & det. KJT [KJT]; Morona: 1 Paratype ♂, Salado, Río Upano (-2.2500 -78.2667, 2000m), date?, leg. L. Alonzo, det. RWG, from UMMZ, [RWG]; Santiago: 1 ♂, Yuganza [just S of Yuganza], 25.3 km N of Plan de Milagro Jct [trib of Río Yuganza], small stream with mossy rocks (-2.8683, -78.3739, 580 m), 7 xi 1997, leg. & det. WFM [FSCA]; ZC, El Pangui: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, stream about 15 km S of El Pangui, 6 xi 1997, leg. & det. KJT [KJT]; 1 ♂, [Pincho] [about 3 km N on Hwy. 45 or], 15 km S of El Pangui, tanic rocky stream (-3.7242, -78.5964, 914m), 6 xi 1997, leg. & det. WFM [FSCA]; Zamora: 1 ♂, Zamora (-4.0692, -78.9567, 1000m), 2 xi 1941, leg. D. Laddey, det. RWG, from UMMZ [RWG]; 1 ♀, same data but 9 xi 1941 [RWG].
Note: Ecuador endemic, east slope.
Philogenia minteri Dunkle, 1986. Publ. Recs. ECU: Tsuda (1986, 1991), Steinmann (1997a), (H08), (P11), (H14); NA: Bick & Bick (1988); OR: Daigle (1996); PA: Tennessen (2006); SU: * Dunkle (1986 — Holotype: “Limoncocha, NA ” [Shushufindi:], (-0.4000, -76.6167, 269m), 19 ii 1972, leg. D. Pearson [FSCA]; Allotype, same data but 24 i 1972 [FSCA]), Bick & Bick (1988), Bridges (1993), Donnelly (1998). Also COL: Bota-Sierra et al. (2018).
Addl. Data. NA, Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola: 1 ♀, stream, Puyo Road, 19.3 km S of Río Napo, 21 vii 1996, leg. KJT, det. JJD [FSCA]; 2 ♂♂; Loreto: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, rocky river seeps, 34.2 km W of Loreto on Loreto Road, 19 xi 1997, leg. & det. JJD [JJD]; 1 ♂, forest seep, about 12 km NE of Loreto (-0.6217, -77.2600, 365m), 12 x 2009, leg. & det. KJT [KJT]; 1 ♂, small streams and forest trails 12 km E of Loreto, 2+ km S of Hwy. 45 (-0.6217, -77.2600, 365m), 15 x 2009, leg. & det. JTJ [JTJ]; 1 ♀, same data but leg. KJT, det. JJD [FSCA]; 1 ♂, river along Loreto-Ar- chidona road (-0.7417, -77.5517, 900m), 19 xi 1997, leg. & det. TWD [SWD]; PA, Mera: 1 ♀, between Mera and Shell, Los Copales, trails and forest N of Río Metolo (-1.4886, -78.0708, 1020m), 20 ix 2005, leg. KJT, det. JJD [FSCA]; SU, Shushufindi: 1 paratype ♂, 1 paratype ♀, Limoncocha (-0.4000, -76.6167, 269m), 23 viii 1980, leg. & det. SWD [SWD]; 1 paratype ♂, same data but 28 viii 1980, leg. & det. SWD [RWG]; 1 ♀, same data but 16 viii 1972, leg. E. Stiles, det. DRP [DRP]; 1 ♂, same data but lake edge, 5 vii 1991, leg. D. Pearson, det. DRP [DRP]; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same data but forest trail, 19 ii 1972, leg. D. Pearson, det. DRP [DRP, FSCA]; 1 ♂, same data but 1 iii 1972 [DRP]; 1 ♀, same data but 24 i 1972 [FSCA]; 1 ♂, same data but forest stream, 23 vii 1977, leg. & det. DRP [DRP]; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same data but Río Napo, 18 xi 1980, leg. & det. MWJ [FSCA]; 1 ♂, same data but stream by nature trail, 24 viii 1980, leg. KWK, det. KJT [KJT]; 1 ♂, stream about 3 km SW of Shushufindi (-0.2136, -76.6786), 12 v 2009, leg. & det. KJT [KJT]; 1 ♂, trails, small streams 3 km W of Shushufindi, 2+ km N off Hwy. 26 at km marker 17 (- 0.1664, -76.6917, 290m), 14 x 2009, leg. & det. JTJ [JTJ]; 1 ♂, La Selva Lodge; forest (-0.4983, -76.3733, 200m), 22 xi 1997, leg. & det. TWD [SWD]; 2 ♂♂, same data but 24 xi 1997 [SWD].
Philogenia monotis (Kennedy, 1941). Publ. Recs. ECU: Paulson (1983), Davies & Tobin (1984), Tsuda (1986, 1991 —both as Agnophilogenia monotis and P. tinalandia), Steinmann (1997a—as A. monotis and P. tinalandia), (H08—as P. tinalandia), (P11—also as P. tinalandia), (H14—also as P. tinalandia); SD: *Kennedy (1941b—Holo-type ♀: “ Pichincha ”, ♂, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, ca 15 km east, “Hacienda La Lorena ” (-0.3097, -79.0389, 700m), date?, leg. D. Laddey [UMMZ]), * Bick & Bick (1988 —as P. tinalandia Holotype & Allotype: Santo Domingo de Los Colorados, 12 km E on Hwy. 30 near Hotel Tinalandia (-0.2839, -79.05, 760m), 13 v 1985, leg. J. Nation [FSCA]), Bridges (1993 —as both P. monotis and P. tinalandia), Garrison et al. (2003), von Ellenrieder (2003b—sunk generic name Agnophilogenia and suggested P. tinalandia was a junior synonym); P. tinalandia was synonymized with P. monotis by Bota-Sierra (2018). Also COL: Bota-Sierra et al. (2018).
Addl. Data. SD: 2 ♂♂, Santo Domingo de Los Colorados, 12 km E on Hwy. 30 near Hotel Tinalandia (-0.2839, -79.0500, 760m), 13 v 1985, leg. J. Nation, det. Bick & Bick [FSCA, RWG]; 1 ♂, same data but leg. & det. SWD (as P. tinalandia) [SWD]; 1 ♀, small stream, Hwy. 30, km marker 61, E of La Union del Toachi (-0.5003, -78.8700, 1210m), 25 ii 1010, leg. & det. JJD, [JJD]; 2 ♂♂, same data but 27 ii 2010, leg. & det. KJT [FSCA]; 1 ♀, same data but leg. & det. JTJ; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, small stream, Hwy. 30, near km marker 71, near La Unión del Toachi (-0.3139, -78.9436, 900m), 27 ii 2010, leg. & det. JTJ [JTJ].
Philogenia redunca Cook, 1989. Publ. Recs. ECU: Tsuda (1991), Paulson (2009), (H14); NA: * Cook (1989), Bridges (1993); OR: Daigle (1996), von Ellenrieder & Garrison (2011); PA * Cook (1989 — Holotype: “Yanamanaca, Napo ” [Santa Clara], Yanamanaca [next Indian village up Río Anzu from Yanamanaca is El Partidero; coordinates for El Partidero] (-1.2833, -77.9000), 6 x 1935, leg. WCM, data provided by RWG [UMMZ]; Allotype: [Mera], Abitagua, (-1.45, -78.15, 200m), iv 1937, leg. WCM, data provided by RWG [UMMZ]); Garrison et al. (2003), Tennessen (2006); TU: * Cook (1989). Note: This is “ Philogenia sp. A” reported by Bick & Bick (1988) from MS and NA.
Addl. Data. MS, Morona: [FAL, [RWG]; NA, Archidona: [KJT, USNM]; Carlos Julio Arsemena Tola: [RWG]; Quijos: [RWG]; Tena: [RWG, SWD]; OR: Francisco de Orellana: [KJT]; Loreto: [JTJ, KJT, RWG]; PA, Mera: [FSCA, KJT, RWG]; Pastaza: [FSCA, JJD, KJT, SWD]; Santa Clara: [RWG]; SU, Gonzalo Pizarro: [SWD]; Shushufindi: [KJT]; TU, Baños: [FSCA, RWG].
Note: This endemic species is the most abundant and widespread east slope representative of the genus. One SWD specimen from 1980 was labeled P. berenice.
Philogenia unresolved. There are several specimens that have not been determined, some of which represent undescribed species:
a. Philogenia cf. minteri. Undescribed according to Garrison (pers. comm., 19 viii 2011): OR, Francisco de Orellana: 1 ♂, stream, 3.6 km from Sci. Res. Sta., P.N.Y., 18 vii 1996, leg. & det. KJT [KJT]; T. B.S., USFQ, stream crossing Chorongo trail (-0.6378, -76.1486, 224m), 11 i 2009 leg. & det. RWG & NVE [NVE, RWG]; 1 ♂, same data but along Chichico trail (-0.6300, -76.1525, 250m), 12 i 2009, leg. & det. RWG & NVE [RWG]; 2 ♂♂, same data but along Chorongo trail (-0.6350, -76.1500, 232m), 16 i 3009 [NVE, RWG]; 1 ♂, same data but Matapalo trail just S to Harpia trail (-0.6358, -76.1503, 237m), 10 i 2009 [USFQ]; 1 ♂, same data but stream crossing Matapalo trail at marker 450 (-0.6369, -76.1458, 245m), 14 i 2009 [NVE]; 1 ♀, Numa trail at station (-0.6383, -76.1492, 220m), 18 i 2009 [RWG]; 1 ♀, stream crossing Harpia trail (-0.6256, -76.1494, 238m), 11 i 2009 [RWG]; 1 ♂, black water stream crossing Guacamayo trail at marker 2050 (-0.6383, -76.1492, 220m), 16 i 2009 [USFQ; Loreto: 1 ♂, trib. of stream, 34.2 km W of Loreto, 19 xi 1997, leg. & det. KJT [KJT].
b. Philogenia cf. peruviana Bick & Bick, 1988. Also PER: (H08), (P11). MS, Santiago; 1 ♂, pond on side road, between Sucua and Mendez (-2.6683, -78.2483, 600m), 6 xi 1997, leg. & det. TWD [SWD].
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Philogeniidae
- Genus
- Philogenia
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Odonata
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Selys
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Philogenia Selys, 1862 sec. Mauffray & Tennessen, 2019
- Schmidt, E. (1942) Odonata nebst Bemerkungen uber die Anomisma und Chalcopteryx des Amazonas-Gebiets. In: Tiitschack, E. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Fauna Perus nach der Ausbeute der Hamburger Sudperu Expedition 1936, 2, pp. 225 - 276.
- Racenis, J. (1953) Algunas notas sobre las especies venezolanas del genero Nephepelita (Odonata: Libellulidae). Acta Biologica Venezuelica, 1 (7), 133 - 140.
- Racenis, J. (1959) Notas taxonomicas sobre la familia Megapodagrionidae (Odonata: Zygoptera) con la sinopsis de las especies venezolanas. Acta Biologica Venezuelica, 2, 335 - 367.
- Paulson, D. R. (1983) Odonata of South America. List compiled and distributed originally for the IUCN meeting in Calgary, Canada. [updated several times and later replaced by his web site; see Paulson, 2011, 2016]
- Tsuda, S. (1986) A distributional list of world Odonata, Preliminary edition. Published by author, Osaka, 246 pp.
- Tsuda, S. (1991) A distributional list of World Odonata. Published by author, Osaka, 362 pp.
- Bick, G. H. & Bick, J. C. (1988) A review of males of the genus Philogenia, with descriptions of five new species from South America (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae). Odonatologica, 17 (1), 9 - 32.
- Dunkle, S. W. (1986) Four new species of Philogenia damselflies from Ecuador and Columbia (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae). Odonatologica, 15 (1), 43 - 50.
- Steinmann, H. (1997 a) World Catalogue of Odonata. Vol. I. Zygoptera. In: Wermuth, H. & Fischer, M. (Eds.), Das Tierreich. Vol. 110. The Animal Kingdom. Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 1 - 500.
- Paulson, D. R. (2009) Palaemnema joanetta. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1. Available from: http: // www. iucnredlist. org (accessed 13 July 2014)
- Bridges, C. A. (1993) Catalogue of the family-group, genus-group and species-group names of the Odonata of the world. 3 rd Edition. C. A. Bridges, Urbana, Illinois, 905 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 15283
- Tennessen, K. J. (1998) Ecuador IV-we learn some more. Argia, 9 (4), 13 - 15.
- Garrison, R. W., von Ellenrieder, N. & O'Brien, M. F. (2003) An annotated list of the name-bearing types of species-group names in Odonata preserved in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 736, 1 - 73.
- Tennessen, K. J. (2006) Ecuador expedition V. Argia, 17 (4), 13 - 15.
- Bybee, S. M. & Tennessen, K. J. (2008) Description of the female and nymph of Philogenia mangosisa from southern Ecuador (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae). Zootaxa, 1787, 63 - 68.
- Donnelly, T. W. (1998) Ecuador epilogue: a trip to La Selva. Argia, 9 (4), 15 - 16.
- Davies, D. A. L. & Tobin, P. (1984) The dragonflies of the world: a systematic list of the extant species of Odonata. Vol 1 Zygoptera, Anisozygoptera. Societas Internationalis Odonatologica Rapid Communications, 3 (Supplement), 1 - 127.
- Cook, C. (1989) Philogenia redunca, a new dragonfly from Ecuador (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae). Florida Entomologist, 72 (3), 419 - 424. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 3495177
- von Ellenrieder, N. & Garrison, R. W. (2011) Odonata from Tiputini, Orellana Province, Ecuador. Agrion, 15 (2), 40 - 46.