Published March 24, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Results of EUA survey on universities and innovation

  • 1. European University Association


This database refers to the data collected by the European University Association (EUA) through its survey on universities and innovation in 2021. Designed to gather evidence about the state of innovation at European universities, the EUA survey took stock of how these institutions pursue their third mission and help deliver the sustainable and digital transitions. As such, it continues EUA’s long-standing work showcasing universities’ key contributions to innovation ecosystems, in a context of multiplying societal challenges and the increasing relevance of knowledge to devising new solutions. The full report published by the Association is available at: 

All information that could lead to the identification of individual universities and other higher education institutions was removed from the database. The following files are available:

  • EUA survey on universities and innovation
  • Database in the following formats: .xlsx (Microsoft Excel) and .sav (IBM SPSS)
  • Survey Codebook: includes information on all the variables and their coding (.xlsx)
  • Data Management Plan.


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