Published January 27, 2022
| Version v1
FIGURE 5 in Leiocanthus quinquenudus sp. nov. and L. satanicus sp. nov., two new species of pycnophyid Kinorhyncha (Allomalorhagida: Pycnophyidae) from the Gulf of Mexico
- 1.;
- 2. Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen. (Denmark).;
- 3. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Troy University, Troy, Alabama (U.S.A.)
FIGURE 5. Line art illustrations of adult Leiocanthus satanicus sp. nov. A, male in ventral view; B, male in dorsal view; C, female segment 2 in ventral view; D, female segments 10–11 in ventral view. Scale: 100 μm. Abbreviations: bla, butterflylike atrium; bp, bulbous protuberance; bsj, ball-and-socket joint; cr, cuticular ridge; dle, dagger-like extension; dpl, dorsal placid; gco, glandular cell outlet; ldse, laterodorsal seta; ldss, laterodorsal sensory spot; lvse, lateroventral seta; mde, middorsal elevation; ms, muscular scar; pc, pachycyclus; pdse, paradorsal seta; pdss, paradorsal sensory spot; plse, paralateral seta; plss, paralateral sensory spot; ppf, primary pectinate fringe; ps, penile spine; pvse, paraventral seta; S, segment (followed by number of corresponding segment); sdgco, subdorsal glandular cell outlet; sdse, subdorsal seta; sdss, subdorsal sensory spot; ss3, subdorsal type 3 sensory spot; spf, secondary pectinate fringes; vlse, ventrolateral seta; vlss, ventrolateral sensory spot; vmgco, ventromedial glandular cell outlet; vmse, ventromedial seta; vmss, ventromedial sensory spot; vmt, ventromedial tube; vpl, ventral placid.
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