Calantica JAUB. EX TUL.
- 1. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166 - 0299 (USA)
- 2. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166 - 0299 (USA) & Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Département Systématique et Évolution, case postale 39, 57 rue Cuvier, F- 75231 Paris cedex 05 (France)
1. Stamens equal in number to petals; sepal glands often with a corrugated or reticulate surface but not pubescent........................................................................................... 2
— Stamens 3 or 5-6 times as many as petals; sepal glands densely short-pubescent on upper surface........................................................................................................................ 6
2. Inflorescences cauliflorous, borne mostly on larger twigs and branches; sepals bearing prominent gland-tipped projections on margins............................................................................................... 10. C. sphaerocephala Appleq., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz, sp. nov.
— Inflorescences all or mostly lateral, never cauliflorous on large stems; sepals lacking glandtipped projections on margins.................................................................................... 3
3. Flowers (8-) 10-15 mm in diameter; abaxial sepal surfaces pilose; ovary sparsely or apically pubescent to glabrate....................................................... 6. C. grandiflora Jaub. ex Tul.
— Flowers (4-)5-7.5(-9) mm in diameter; abaxial sepal surfaces pubescent with very short erect trichomes or sericeous with upward-pointing trichomes; ovary densely pubescent throughout................................................................................................................. 4
4. Shrub (tree); leaves narrowly elliptical (to elliptical), to 4.2 cm long, the apex acute (to slightly acuminate) with a rounded tip; stipules <0.5(-0.7) mm long; abaxial surface of sepals sericeous, usually densely; near Tolagnaro (extreme SE Madagascar)..................................................................................................................... 7. C. lucida Scott-Elliot
— Trees, rarely described as shrubby or lianoid; leaves elliptical to broadly elliptical, oblong, obovate, or oblanceolate, variable in size, the apex cuspidate to acuminate (atypically retuse, emarginate, rounded or acute); stipules> 0.7 mm long, sometimes several times longer; abaxial surface of sepals short-pubescent......................................................... 5
5. Leaves elliptical to oblong, broadly elliptical, obovate, or oblanceolate, (1.5-) 4.5-17 cm long, usually drying to light to dark brown (or pale, mottled or discolored green); leaf apex cuspidate (to short-acuminate, retuse, emarginate, rounded or acute); inflorescences usually many-flowered........................................................ 3. C. cerasifolia (Vent.) Tul.
— Leaves lanceolate to ovate or narrowly elliptical, 3-10.5 cm long, usually drying to pale olive drab adaxially, pale olive brown abaxially; leaf apex acuminate with a rounded tip; inflorescences (4-)8-20-flowered................................................................................................................................... 8. C. olivacea Appleq., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz, sp. nov.
6. Stamens in groups of 5-6 per petal............................................................................. 7
— Stamens in groups of 3, with 1 internal and 2 external............................................... 8
7. Leaves 4-11 × 3-4.5 cm, the apices cuspidate; SE Madagascar....................................................................................................................................... 2. C. capuronii Sleumer
— Leaves 1.2-3.4 × 0.6-1.3 cm, the apices rounded to obtuse; SW Madagascar.............................................................................................................. 5. C. decaryana H. Perrier
8. Shrub; leaf margins subentire; inflorescences 1-4-flowered; SW Madagascar................................................................................................................. 4. C. chauvetiae Sleumer
— Tree; leaf margins serrate to crenate-serrate or serrulate; inflorescences mostly>4-flowered; W to NE Madagascar................................................................................................. 9
9. Ovary densely white-puberulent, sparsely puberulent in fruit; styles <0.5 mm long; dry forest in W to extreme N Madagascar.................................... 1. C. biseriata H. Perrier
— Ovary dark, sparsely puberulent, becoming glabrate in fruit; styles 1.5-2 mm long; humid forest in NE Madagascar................................................................................................................................ 9. C. pseudobiseriata Appleq., Phillipson & G. E. Schatz, sp. nov.
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- Journal article: 10.5252/a2014n1a8 (DOI)
- Journal article: (URL)
- Journal article: (URL)
- Family
- Salicaceae
- Genus
- Calantica
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Order
- Malpighiales
- Phylum
- Tracheophyta
- Taxon rank
- genus