Published January 19, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Morphological features of polymycotoxicosis in the cattle mother-fetus system


The present study investigated the effect of polymycotoxicosis on the development of morphological abnormalities in the cattle
mother-fetus system. A histopathological examination of the parenchymal organs of culled cows and fetuses of gestational age from 5 to 6 months of pregnancy was performed at an agricultural enterprise. Signs of intracapillary glomerulonephritis were present in
cows’ kidneys. Signs were manifested by impaired filtration of vascular glomeruli and the accumulation of protein and hyaline cylinders in the lumen of the tubules and hemorrhagic glomerulonephritis with the development of intravascular hemolysis and thrombosis. In the liver, signs of the atrophic cirrhosis development in the islet, inter-islet and annular phases against the background of granular-fatty degeneration were revealed. Hepatocytes in a state of necrosis, manifested by nuclei of hepatocytes of unequal size, with pyknotic and hyperchromatic changes against the background of inflammation. Morphological changes in the liver of cow fetuses from 5 to 6 months of age with signs of polymycotoxicosis were characterized by active proliferation of connective tissue stroma, which is typical for atrophic cirrhosis, stagnation of bile in bile capillaries. In the spleen, the process of reduction of lymphoid follicles is expressed, indicating a congenital immunodeficiency of the fetus. The formation of the kidneys was not completed due to the severe necrotic process in the form of infarction proceeding as an anemic in the cortical zone of renal tissue. This fact indicates severe intoxication of  the mother's body. Aflatoxin B1 in the metabolites of molds in theamount of 0.045 mg/kg and ochratoxin in the range from 0.025 mg/kg to 0.039 mg/kg could be confirmed in food.


Белоусов А.И. ESDAR rda_v57_iS1-87-88.pdf

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