Published May 25, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tolegnaro sagani Álvarez-Padilla & Ubick & Griswold 2012, new species


Tolegnaro sagani, new species Figures 313–341, 377

TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype from Berlese and sifted leaf litter of a littoral rainforest at an elevation of 10 m at Forêt de Petriky, 12.5 km W Tolagnaro, littoral forest 25°3.73′S, 46°42.26′E, Toliara Province, 22 November 1998, B.L. Fisher, deposited in CASC (PBI_OON 00036154). The species epithet is in honor of the astronomer Carl Sagan.

DIAGNOSIS: T. sagani can be differentiated from other Tolegnaro species by the following combination of characters: carapace surface smooth (figs. 316, 325); male cheliceral paturon inner margin with scattered setae; sternum without radial furrows between coxae I–II, II–III, III–IV, surface and furrows smooth, microsculpture absent (figs. 317, 327); leg spines present, one pair on metatarsi I and II; paturon distal region unmodified (fig. 319).

DESCRIPTION: Male (PBI_OON 0003282): Total length 1.40. Sternum microsculpture absent, anterior margin with continuous transverse groove (fig. 323), anterior margin unmodified (fig. 327). Mouthparts: Cheliceral paturon surface with scattered setae (fig. 319). Abdomen: Pedicel has a pair of triangular dorsal projections on its margin and a line of dorsal setae. Postepigastric area setae needlelike. Male genital opening slightly protruded and covered by a line of feathery seta, epigastric scutum apodemes large, near the anterior book lung opening and connected by a shallow groove (fig. 330). Legs: Yellow; tibia I with dorsal row of ridges. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; metatarsi: I, II p0-1-0; r0-1-0. Tarsi I to IV superior claw teeth not examined in detail. Trichobothria on tibiae: I three, IV three, trichobothria base longitudinally narrowed, aperture internal texture gratelike, hood covered by numerous low, closely spaced ridges. Tarsal organ with three sensilla visible. Genitalia: Palp proximal segments pale orange; cymbium pale orange (figs. 318–320), cymbium without distal patch of setae (fig. 306). Embolus dorsal lamella with three distal apophyses (figs. 340, 341), ventral lamella with at least two apophyses, one bifurcated (figs. 338, 339). Palp as in figures 336 and 337. Female (PBI_OON 0003282): Total length 1.56. As in male except as noted. Abdomen: Pedicel with pair of triangular dorsal projections on margin and line of dorsal setae. Legs: Tibia I Emerit’s glands absent. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; metatarsi: I, II p0-1-0; r0-1-0. Tarsi I to IV superior claw teeth not examined in detail. Genitalia: Genital opening slit shaped (fig. 331). Sperm sac secretory glands openings flat, extending over the receptaculum center. GAp process shaped as a twisted tube (figs. 332–334). Genitalia as in figures 321 and 322.

VARIATION: Male leg I spine number varies on the tibia from one to two pairs, tibia leg II spine number varies widely, some specimens do not have spines. Female leg II spine number varies, some specimens only have one spine on the prolateral side. The shape and number of embolar dorsal and ventral lamella apophyses varies among individuals (figs. 336, 339, 340).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: N = 649. Madagascar: Antananarivo: Reserve Speciale d’Ambohitantely, Forêt d’Ambohitantely, 20.9 km 72° NE d’Ankazobe, montane rainforest, 1410 m, S18.22527°, E47.28694°, Apr.17– 22, 2001, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 15 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3238); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3287); Reserve Speciale d’Ambohitantely, Forêt d’Ambohitantely, 24.1 km 59° NE d’Ankazobe, montane rainforest, 1620 m, S18.00277°, E47.00444°, Apr. 17–22, 2001, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 36 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3243). Fianarantsoa: 7.6 km from Kianjavato, Forêt Clasee Vatovavy, 175 m, S21.40000°, E47.94000°, June 06–08, 2005, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 7 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3454); 8.0 km NE Ivohibe, forest, 1200 m, S22.42100°, E46.89600°, Nov. 03–09, 1997, B.L. Fisher, 2♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36398); 9.0 km NE Ivohibe, forest, 900 m, S22.92666°, E46.93833°, Nov. 12–17, 1997, B.L. Fisher, 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 36397); Forêt d’Atsirakambiaty, 7.6 km 285° WNW Itremo, montane rainforest, 1550 m, S20.59333°, E46.56333°, Jan. 22–26, 2003, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3555); 12 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3924); Forêt de Vevembe, 66.6 km 293° WNW Farafangana, rainforest to montane

transition, 600 m, S22.01305°, E47.00277°, Apr. 26, 2006, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 11 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3464); P.N. Befotaka-Midongy, 27.7 km S Midongy-Sud, Mount Papango, rainforest, 1250 m, S23.84100°, E46.95800°, Nov. 17–19, 2006, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 13 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3448); P.N. Befotaka-Midongy, 28.5 km S Midongy-Sud Mount Papango, montane rainforest, 940 m, S23.83500°, E46.94800°, Nov. 13–15, 2006, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3439); Reserve Speciale Ivohibe, 6.5 km ESE Ivohibe, camp III, montane rainforest, 1575 m, S22.49666°, E46.95500°, Oct. 24–30, 1997, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (FMNH PBI _ OON 10253); Reserve Speciale Ivohibe, 8.0 km NE Ivohibe, camp IV, montane rainforest, 1200 m, S22.42166°, E46.89833°, Nov. 03–09, 1997, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (FMNH PBI _ OON 10251); Reserve Forestiere d’Agnalazaha, Mahabo, 42.9 km 215° SW Farafangana, littoral forest, 20 m, S23.19388°, E47.72305°, Apr. 19, 2006, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 14 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3469); Reserve Speciale Ivohibe, 6.5 km ESE Ivohibe, forest, S22.49666°, E46.95500°, Dec. 24–30, 1997, B.L. Fisher, 24 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 36396); Reserve Speciale Ivohibe, 7.5 km ESE Ivohibe, forest, S22.47000°, E46.96000°, Dec. 07–12, 1997, B.L. Fisher, 18 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 36395). Mahajanga: Parc National Tsingy de Bemaraha, 10.6 km ESE 123° Antsalova, tropical dry forest, 150 m, S19.70944°, E44.71805°, Nov. 16–20, 2001, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 16 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3244); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3543); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3546); 37 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3565); Parc National Tsingy de Bemaraha, 2.5 km 62° ENE Bekopaka, Ankidrodroa River, tropical dry forest, 100 m, S19.13222°, E44.81472°, Nov. 11–15, 2001, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 32 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3979); Parc National Tsingy de Bemaraha, 3.4 km 93° E Bekopaka, Tombeau Vazimba, tropical dry forest, 50 m, S19.14194°, E44.82805°, Nov. 06–10, 2001, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3302); Reserve d’Ankoririka, 10.6 km 13° NE de Tsaramandroso, tropical dry forest, 210 m, S16.26722°, E46.04861°, Apr. 09–14, 2001, Fisher- Griswold Arthropod Team, 4♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3883); Reserve Speciale de Bemarivo, 23.8 km 223° SW Besalampy, tropical dry forest, 30 m, S16.92500°, E44.36833°, Nov. 19–23, 2002, Fisher, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3539); Pont Onibe, Clay Forest, Dec. 01–31, 1993, A. Pauly, 1♂ (MRAC MT. 177. 693 PBI _ OON 8004). Toliara: 2.7 km 302° WNW Ste. Luce, littoral forest, 20 m, S24.77166°, E47.17166°, Dec. 09–11, 1998, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3595); Bohibasia Forest, 59 km NE Sakaraha, tropical dry forest, 780 m, S22.46666°, E41.83333°, Jan. 13, 1996, B.L. Fisher, 6 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3965); Enakara, 11 km NW Reserve Andohahela, rainforest, 800 m, S24.56666°, E46.81666°, Nov. 17, 1992, B.L. Fisher, 1♀ (FMNH PBI _ OON 10252); Enakara, 13 km NW Reserve Andohahela, montane rainforest, 1250 m, S24.55000°, E46.80000°, Oct. 30, 1992, B.L. Fisher, 5 mixed (FMNH PBI _ OON 10240); 2♂ (FMNH PBI _ OON 10244); Forêt Clasee d’Analavelona, 29.2 km 343° NNW Mahaboboka, montane rainforest, 1300 m, S22.67500°, E44.18666°, Feb. 22–26, 2003, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3534); 53 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3951); Forêt de Petriky, 12.5 km W Tolagnaro, littoral forest, 10 m, S25.06216°, E46.86933°, Nov. 22, 1998, Sylvian, B.L. Fisher, 88 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 2036); 1♀ (FMNH PBI _ OON 10249); Forêt Ivohibe, 55.0 km N Tolagnaro, rainforest, 200 m, S24.56888°, E47.20388°, Dec. 02–04, 2006, B.L. Fisher, 4 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3441); Fort Dauphin, Mt. Ilapiry, primary forest, SE slope, 300 m, Feb. 02, 1995, K. Emberton, 1♂ (MRAC MT. 202. 862 PBI _ OON 7995); Mahafaly Plateau, 6.2 km 74° ENE Itampolo, spiny forest thicket, 80 m, S24.65361°, E43.99666°, Feb. 21–25, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3256); Parc Nat. Andohahela, Col de Tanatana, 33.3 km NW Tolagnaro, rainforest, 275 m, S24.75861°, E46.85361°, Nov. 22–24, 2006, B.L. Fisher, 22 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3440); Parc National d’Andohahela, Forêt d’Ambohibory, 1.7 km 61° ENE Tsimelahy, 36.1 km 308° NW Tolagnaro, tropical dry forest, 300 m, S24.93000°, E46.64555°, Jan. 16–20, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 52 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3537); 74 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3554); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36399); Parc National d’Andohahela, 36.7 km 341° NNW Tolagnaro, montane rainforest, 900 m, S24.76388°, E46.75166°, Jan. 21–25, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 3 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3544); Parc National de Zombitse, 19.8 km 84° E Sakaraha, tropical dry forest, 770 m, S22.84333°, E44.71000°, Feb. 05–09, 2003, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 5 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3925); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3950); Reserve Speciale d’Ambohijanahary, Forêt d’Ankazotsihitafototra, 35.2 km 312° NW Ambaravaranala, montane rainforest, 1050 m, S18.26666°, E45.40666°, Jan. 13–17, 2003, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3281); 26 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3282); 10 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3532); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3927); 18 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3928); S.F. Mandena, 8.4 km NNE Tolagnaro, littoral forest, 20 m, S24.95233°, E47.00100°, Nov. 20, 1998, B.L. Fisher, 16 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3436).


Published as part of Álvarez-Padilla, Fernando, Ubick, Darrell & Griswold, Charles E., 2012, Noideattella and Tolegnaro, Two New Genera of Goblin Spiders from Madagascar, with Comments on the Gamasomorphoid and Silhouettelloid Oonopids (Araneae, Oonopidae), pp. 1-76 in American Museum Novitates 2012 (3745) on pages 63-68, DOI: 10.1206/3745.2,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1992-10-30 , 1992-11-17 , 1993-12-01 , 1995-02-02 , 1996-01-13 , 1997-10-24 , 1997-11-03 , 1997-11-12 , 1997-12-07 , 1997-12-24 , 1998-11-20 , 1998-11-22 , 1998-12-09 , 2001-04-09 , 2001-04-17 , 2001-11-06 , 2001-11-11 , 2001-11-16 , 2002-01-16 , 2002-01-21 , 2002-02-21 , 2002-11-19 , 2003-01-13 , 2003-01-22 , 2003-02-05 , 2003-02-22 , 2005-06-06 , 2006-04-19 , 2006-04-26 , 2006-11-13 , 2006-11-17 , 2006-11-22 , 2006-12-02
Material sample ID
OON 2036 , OON 3238 , OON 3243 , OON 3244 , OON 3256 , OON 3281 , OON 3282 , OON 3287 , OON 3302 , OON 3436 , OON 3439 , OON 3440 , OON 3441 , OON 3448 , OON 3454 , OON 3464 , OON 3469 , OON 3532 , OON 3534 , OON 3537 , OON 3539 , OON 3543 , OON 3544 , OON 3546 , OON 3554 , OON 3555 , OON 3565 , OON 3595 , OON 3883 , OON 3924 , OON 3925 , OON 3927 , OON 3928 , OON 3950 , OON 3951 , OON 3965 , OON 3979 , OON 7995 , OON 8004 , PBI_OON 00036154
Scientific name authorship
Álvarez-Padilla & Ubick & Griswold
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
allotype , holotype
Verbatim event date
1992-10-30 , 1992-11-17 , 1993-12-01/31 , 1995-02-02 , 1996-01-13 , 1997-10-24/30 , 1997-11-03/09 , 1997-11-12/17 , 1997-12-07/12 , 1997-12-24/30 , 1998-11-20 , 1998-11-22 , 1998-12-09/11 , 2001-04-09/14 , 2001-04-17/22 , 2001-11-06/10 , 2001-11-11/15 , 2001-11-16/20 , 2002-01-16/20 , 2002-01-21/25 , 2002-02-21/25 , 2002-11-19/23 , 2003-01-13/17 , 2003-01-22/26 , 2003-02-05/09 , 2003-02-22/26 , 2005-06-06/08 , 2006-04-19 , 2006-04-26 , 2006-11-13/15 , 2006-11-17/19 , 2006-11-22/24 , 2006-12-02/04
Taxonomic concept label
Tolegnaro sagani Álvarez-Padilla, Ubick & Griswold, 2012