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Published May 25, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Noideattella amboa Álvarez-Padilla & Ubick & Griswold 2012, new species


Noideattella amboa, new species Figures 1–30, 372

TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype from Berlese and sifted leaf litter of a gallery forest at an elevation of 40 m at Reserve Prive Berenty, Forêt de Malaza, Mandrare River, 8.6 km 314° NW Ambosary, 25°0′28″S, 46°18′22″E, Toliara Province (6 February 2002, B.L. Fisher et al.) deposited in CASC (PBI_OON 00036156). The species epithet, a noun in apposition, is taken from the Malagasy word for dog .

DIAGNOSIS: N. amboa can be differentiated from other Noideattella species by the following combination of characters: habitus dark red-brown, carapace pars cephalica and sides strongly granulate (figs. 4, 11, 12). Book lung covers small and round (figs. 2, 3). Sternum microsculpture finely reticulate distributed medially and in furrows (figs. 5, 16). Male paturon inner margin with modified seta of variable thickness (figs. 17–19).

DESCRIPTION: Male (PBI_OON 0002013): Total length 1.4. Cephalothorax: Carapace dark red-brown. Sternum longer than wide, dark red-brown, furrow with rows of small pits, anterior margin with interrupted transverse groove (figs. 4, 5, 7, 11, 12). Mouthparts: Chelicerae, endites, labium dark red-brown. Abdomen: Ovoid. Dorsal scutum dark red-brown, middle surface smooth, sides smooth. Postepigastric scutum dark red-brown, long, semicircular, covering nearly full length of abdomen (figs. 1, 2). Male genital opening slightly protruded, epigastric scutum apodemes small, contiguous with anterior book lung opening, not connected by furrow. Posterior spiracles connected by groove (figs. 10, 20). Legs: Pale orange, without color pattern. Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): tibiae: I, II p1-2-0; r1-2-0; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; IV p0-0-1. Tarsal organ with two sensilla visible. Genitalia: Epigastric region with sperm pore situated at level of anterior spiracles (fig. 20). Palp proximal segments pale orange; cymbium pale orange, with distal patch of setae; bulb pale orange. Embolus dorsal lamella with distal apophysis (figs. 27, 28), ventral lamella bifurcate (figs. 6, 8). Palp as in figures 25 and 26. Female (PBI_OON 0002013): Total length 1.6. As in male except as noted. Cheliceral paturon inner margin with scattered setae. Legs: Metatarsi III and IV ventral scopula absent. Leg spination: tibiae: I, II p1-2-0; r1-2-0; IV p0-0-1; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; r1-1-0; IV p0-0-1; leg IV: both spines considerably smaller than those of legs I, II; tibial spine same length as segment width, metatarsal spine longer. Trichobothria of metatarsus: I one, IV one. Genitalia: Genital opening slit shaped (fig. 21). Sperm sac papillae flat, extending less than half receptaculum length, concentrated in center. Apodemes A2 less than half receptaculum length (figs. 9, 10, 22), GAp process shaped like twisted tube (figs. 22, 23). Genitalia as in figures 9 and 10.

VARIATION: The book lung covers in some specimens are considerably reduced. Cheliceral paturon inner margin setae vary among specimens; some lack modified setae, while other specimens have a brush of modified seta (figs. 17, 18). Male leg I and II spines on tibia and metatarsus vary considerably with very few specimens lacking spines. Embolar dorsal and ventral lamella apophyses shape and number vary among individuals. Female leg I: the tibia spination varies from three to two spines at both sides; leg II spination varies widely with some specimens without spines on tibia. The number of spines on metatarsus (2 pairs) is constant. Female genital receptaculum sclerotized portion variable in shape, apodeme bases vary in shape either by covering most of the receptaculum or being considerably shorter. The T-shaped lateral extension also varies in length. Embolic lamellae vary in shape and number; in some specimens the prolateral surface of the embolus presents a small tooth (fig. 6).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: N = 542. Madagascar: Fianarantsoa: Forêt d’Analalava, 29.6 km 280° W Ranohira, tropical dry forest, 700 m, 22.59166°S, 45.12833°E, Feb. 01–05, 2003, Fisher, Griswold et al., 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3279); 4♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3303); 8 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3313); 4♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3347); Parc National d’Isalo, Sahanafa River, 29.2 km 351° N Ranohira, gallery forest, 500 m, 22.31333°S, 45.29166°E, Feb. 10–13, 2003, C. Griswold, B. Fisher, et al., 8 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3934). Majunga: Reserve forestiere Beanka, 50.7 km E Maintirano, tropical dry forest on tsingy, 140 m, 17.88027°S, 44.46888°E, Oct. 29 to Nov. 01, 2009, B.L. Fisher et al., 3♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36124). Toliara: 8.9 km NW Tolagnaro, rainforest, 100 m, 24.98138°S, 46.92555°E, Nov. 27–28, 2006, B.L. Fisher et al., 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3467); Antafoky, gallery forest, 60 m, 23.47916°S, 44.06611°E, Jan. 26, 2002, Frontier Project, 9 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3863); Beza-Mahafaly, 27 km E Betioky, rainforest, 135 m, 23.65000°S, 44.63333°E, Apr. 23, 1997, B.L. Fisher, 21 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3964); Bohibasia Forest, 59 km NE Sakaraha, tropical dry forest, 780 m, 22.46666°S, 41.83333°E, Jan. 13, 1996, B.L. Fisher, 11 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3967); 4♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36283); 2♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36373); Fiherenana, degraded gallery forest, 50 m, 23.23527°S, 43.87083°E, Dec. 01–04, 2002, Frontier Project, 11 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3299); Fiherenana, gallery forest, 100 m, 23.17694°S, 43.96083°E, Oct. 21–24, 2002, Frontier Project, 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3304); Forêt Claseé d’Analavelona 29.2 km 343° NNW Mahaboboka, montane rainforest, 1100 m, 22.67500°S, 44.19000°E, Feb. 18–22, 2003, Fisher, Griswold et al., 3 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3570); Forêt Clasee d’Analavelona 29.2 km 343° NNW Mahaboboka, montane rainforest, 1100 m, 22.67500°S, 44.19000°E, Feb. 21, 2003, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3952); 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3953); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3954); Forêt de Beroboka, 5.9 km 131° SE Ankidranoka, tropical dry forest, 80 m, 22.23305°S, 43.36638°E, Mar. 12–16, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 12 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 36233); Forêt de Mahavelo, Isantoria River, tropical dry forest, 110 m, 24.75833°S, 46.15722°E, Jan. 28 to Feb. 01, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 3 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3551); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3535); Forêt de Mite, 20.7 km 29° WNW Tongobory, gallery forest, 75 m, 23.52416°S, 44.12138°E, Feb. 7 to Mar. 03, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 38 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3079); 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3899); Forêt de Petriky, 12.5 km W Tolagnaro, littoral forest, 10 m, 25.06216°S, 46.86933°E, Nov. 22, 1998, Sylvian, B.L. Fisher, 38 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 2013); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3861); Forêt de Tsinjoriaky, 6.2 km 84°E Tsifota, spiny forest thicket, 70 m, 22.80222°S, 43.42055°E, Mar. 06–10, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 4 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3284); 12♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3309); 10 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3360); Forêt Vohidava 88.9 km N Ambobasary, spiny forest thicket, 500 m, 24.24055°S, 46.28694°E, Dec. 06–08, 2006, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 6 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3435); Fort Dauphin, Mt. Vasiha, primary forest, 100 m, Feb. 07, 1995, K. Emberton, 1♀ (MRAC MT. 220. 871 PBI _ OON 9767); Mahafaly Plateau, 6.2 km 74° ENE Itampolo, spiny forest thicket, 80 m, 24.65361°S, 43.99666°E, Feb. 21–25, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3300); 6 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3557); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36388); Manderano, gallery forest, 75 m, 23.52416°S, 44.09277°E, May 29, 2002, Frontier Project, 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3283); 2♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3310); Parc National d’Andohahela, Forêt d’Ambohibory, 1.7 km 61° ENE Tsimelahy, 36.1 km 308° NW Tolagnaro, tropical dry forest, 300 m, 24.93000°S, 46.64555°E, Jan. 16–20, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3274); 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3550); 21 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3553); 2♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36274); 8♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36384); Parc National d’Andohahela, 36.7 km 341° NNW Tolagnaro, tropical dry forest, 900 m, 24.76388°S, 46.75166°E, Jan. 21–25, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36281); Parc National d’Andohahela, Forêt de Manantalinjo, 33.6 km 63° ENE Amboasary, 7.6 km 99° E Hazofotsy, spiny forest thicket, 150 m, 24.81694°S, 46.61000°E, Jan. 12–16, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 14 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3946); 8♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36400); Parc National de Tsimanampetsotsa, 6.7 km 130° SE Efoetse, 23 km 175° S Beheloka, spiny forest thicket, 25 m, 24.10055°S, 43.76000°E, Mar. 18–22, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 16 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3239); Parc National de Tsimanampetsotsa, Forêt de Bemanateza, 20.7 km 81° E

Efoetse, 23.0 km 131° SE Beheloka, spiny forest thicket, 90 m, 23.99222°S, 43.88055°E, Mar. 22–26, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3935); Parc National de Zombitse, 19.8 km 84° E Sakaraha, dry forest on sandy soil, 770 m, 22.84333°S, 44.71000°E, Feb. 05–09, 2003, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 4 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3931); Ranobe, spiny forest thicket, 30 m, 23.03944°S, 43.61027°E, Feb. 17–21, 2003, Frontier Project, 6 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3939); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36272); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36273); Reserve Prive Berenty, Forêt de Bealoka, Mandrare River, 14.6 km 329° NW Amboasary, gallery forest, 35 m, 24.95694°S, 46.27138°E, Feb. 03–08, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 98 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3043); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3583); 2♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3945); Reserve Prive Berenty, Forêt de Malaza, Mandrare River, 8.6 km 314° NW Amboasary, gallery forest, 40 m, 25.00777°S, 46.30611°E, Feb. 06, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 58 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3556); Reserve Speciale de Cap Sainte Marie, 12.3 km 262° W Marovato, spiny forest thicket, 200 m, 25.58166°S, 45.16833°E, Feb. 11–15, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 2♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3278); 2♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3306); 17 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3307); 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3311); 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 3561); 5♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 36385); Reserve Speciale de Cap Sainte Marie, 14.9 km 261°W Marovato, spiny forest thicket, 160 m, 25.59444°S, 45.14694°E, Feb. 13–19, 2002, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 20 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3581); S.F. Mandena, 8.4 km NNE Tolagnaro, littoral forest, 20 m, 24.95233°S, 47.00100°E, Nov. 20, 1998, Fisher-Griswold Arthropod Team, 1♂ (CASC PBI _ OON 2217); Sept Lacs, spiny forest thicket, 160 m, 23.52472°S, 44.15916°E, Mar. 10, 2002, Frontier Project, 1♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3322); Sous-pref. Amboasary: Reserve Berenty, 10 km NW d’Amboasary, valles de la riviere Mandrare, parcelle no. 3, under rocks and ground debris, Dec. 04, 1989, B. Hauser, 1♀ (NHMB Mad-89/47 PBI _ OON 36142); Southern Isoky-Vohimena Forest, tropical dry forest, 730 m, 22.68333°S, 44.83333°E, Jan. 21, 1996, Sylvian, B.L. Fisher et al., 3♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 3966). Tulear: 18 km NNW Betroka, 825 m, 23.16333°S, 44.96861°E, Dec. 09–14, 1994, M. Ivie and A. Pollock, 2 mixed (CASC PBI _ OON 3968); 18 km NNW Betroka, 825 m, 23.16333°S, 44.96861°E, Dec. 09–14, 1994, M. Ivie and A. Pollock, 3♀ (CASC PBI _ OON 36284).


Published as part of Álvarez-Padilla, Fernando, Ubick, Darrell & Griswold, Charles E., 2012, Noideattella and Tolegnaro, Two New Genera of Goblin Spiders from Madagascar, with Comments on the Gamasomorphoid and Silhouettelloid Oonopids (Araneae, Oonopidae), pp. 1-76 in American Museum Novitates 2012 (3745) on pages 12-17, DOI: 10.1206/3745.2,


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Collection code
Event date
1989-12-04 , 1994-12-09 , 1995-02-07 , 1996-01-13 , 1996-01-21 , 1997-04-23 , 1998-11-20 , 1998-11-22 , 2002-01-12 , 2002-01-16 , 2002-01-21 , 2002-01-26 , 2002-01-28 , 2002-02-03 , 2002-02-06 , 2002-02-07 , 2002-02-11 , 2002-02-13 , 2002-02-21 , 2002-03-06 , 2002-03-10 , 2002-03-12 , 2002-03-18 , 2002-03-22 , 2002-05-29 , 2002-10-21 , 2002-12-01 , 2003-02-01 , 2003-02-05 , 2003-02-10 , 2003-02-17 , 2003-02-18 , 2003-02-21 , 2006-11-27 , 2006-12-06 , 2009-10-29
Material sample ID
OON 2013 , OON 2217 , OON 3043 , OON 3079 , OON 3239 , OON 3274 , OON 3278 , OON 3279, OON 3303 , OON 3283 , OON 3284 , OON 3299 , OON 3300 , OON 3304 , OON 3306 , OON 3307 , OON 3309 , OON 3310 , OON 3311 , OON 3313 , OON 3322 , OON 3347 , OON 3360 , OON 3435 , OON 3467 , OON 3535 , OON 3550 , OON 3551 , OON 3553 , OON 3556 , OON 3557 , OON 3561 , OON 3570 , OON 3581 , OON 3583 , OON 3861 , OON 3863 , OON 3899 , OON 3931 , OON 3934 , OON 3935 , OON 3939 , OON 3945 , OON 3946 , OON 3952 , OON 3953 , OON 3954 , OON 3964 , OON 3966 , OON 3967 , OON 3968 , OON 9767 , PBI_OON 00036156 , PBI_OON 36142
Scientific name authorship
Álvarez-Padilla & Ubick & Griswold
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1989-12-04 , 1994-12-09/14 , 1995-02-07 , 1996-01-13 , 1996-01-21 , 1997-04-23 , 1998-11-20 , 1998-11-22 , 2002-01-12/16 , 2002-01-16/20 , 2002-01-21/25 , 2002-01-26 , 2002-01-28/02-01 , 2002-02-03/08 , 2002-02-06 , 2002-02-07/03-03 , 2002-02-11/15 , 2002-02-13/19 , 2002-02-21/25 , 2002-03-06/10 , 2002-03-10 , 2002-03-12/16 , 2002-03-18/22 , 2002-03-22/26 , 2002-05-29 , 2002-10-21/24 , 2002-12-01/04 , 2003-02-01/05 , 2003-02-05/09 , 2003-02-10/13 , 2003-02-17/21 , 2003-02-18/22 , 2003-02-21 , 2006-11-27/28 , 2006-12-06/08 , 2009-10-29/11-01
Taxonomic concept label
Noideattella amboa Álvarez-Padilla, Ubick & Griswold, 2012