The formation of economic and marketing prospects for the development of the market of information services
- 1. National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
- 2. Research Center for Industrial Problems of Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- 3. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
This paper investigates the current state and prospects of the development of the European IT services market. A detailed analysis of the economic indicators of the IT market in European countries has been conducted. Marketing characteristics of the external market of IT services were considered, in whose formation a leading role belongs to export deliveries. It has been determined that the capacity of the international segment of the IT services market in most European countries increases by an average of 20 % annually, and the share of IT technologies exports in the overall export structure exceeds 8 %. The forecast of changes in the internal market of IT technologies in the post-Soviet countries was analyzed. Based on the results, it was concluded that in the future the capacity of the domestic IT services market could increase and, in 2024, in particular in Ukraine, would exceed the volume of USD 2 billion. The results of studying the level of prices for IT services in the post-Soviet countries suggest that they mainly correspond to the prices for similar services in different groups of European countries (with different material capabilities). That means that for IT service consumers in countries with a low standard of living, price characteristics are not an obstacle to obtaining the highest quality services from domestic or foreign suppliers. The role and importance of personnel support of the information industry, which is key in the formation and development of the IT services market, have been determined. It has been proven that specialists who attained IT education mostly work according to the skills and competencies obtained, which distinguishes them favorably from specialists in other fields. Despite the tendencies of a certain outflow of specialists outside the countries with a low living level, the number of IT specialists is growing progressively in their economies. In many ways, these trends are facilitated by an increase in the number of graduates from specialized educational institutions.
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