Published January 10, 2022 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

MARVEL - D5.1: MARVEL Minimum Viable Product

  • 1. ITML


The purpose of this deliverable is to describe all activities related to the design, implementation, and release of the MARVEL Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This document sets the scope and goals of the MVP, as well as discusses the decisions to achieve these goals, by means of definition of specific use case scenarios, selection of MARVEL components, and infrastructure that facilitates the operation and demonstration of the use cases. More specifically, the document details the adjustments of the MARVEL architecture, the specific role of each component within the MVP, integration and deployment processes and tasks, and an extensive demonstration of the selected use cases from the user point of view. Finally, the MVP results are linked to MARVEL’s objectives, as this release paves the way towards the first complete prototype of the MARVEL framework.



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European Commission
MARVEL – Multimodal Extreme Scale Data Analytics for Smart Cities Environments 957337