Published January 7, 2022 | Version v1
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Grammar [982]



2971. Size 91/2 in. by 7 in.; foll. 60. Seventeen and more lines in a page.

I.Foll. 1-21. A Commentary ( ممزوج ) on ‘Abd al-ḳâhir Jurjânî’s العوامل (see the preceding no.) by MUḤAMMAD ṢÂDIḲ b. Darwîsh Muḥammad . It is entitled جامع القواعد .

Begins: نحمدك يا من جعلت علم النحو ميزان الاعراب و البناء الخ.

Plainly written in Nasta’lîḳ, by Muḥammad Maudûd b. Rafî’ al-dîn Ḥusainî, who completed it on 8th Muḥarram, 1090, at Ujain (?- فى بلدة الاحين ) .

II. Fol. 22. A poem ascribed to IBN ḤÂJIB (d. A.H. 646), in which all the nouns substantives which are feminine by usage are enumerated, القصيدة التى جمع فيها ابن الحاجب المؤنثات السماعية.


نفسى الفداء لسائل وافانى بمسائل فاحت كغصن البان

III. Foll. 23-59. Glosses on Ibn âjib’s الكافية ( see no. 901) , by an unknown author. Imperfect at the end.

Beginning: الحمد لله رب العالمين .... قال الشيخ ابن الحاجب بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قلت افتتح كتابه تبركا و اقتداء بكتاب الله تعالى الخ.

Written by different hands. Ends abruptly.

On the last page begins the مختصر الميزان , a treatise on Logic ( see no . 575).

Seal and signature of Charles Boddam, Calcutta, May 1st, 1787.




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