Published December 29, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Improving a neural network model for semantic segmentation of images of monitored objects in aerial photographs

  • 1. Central Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • 2. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
  • 3. Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • 4. Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • 5. National University of Pharmacy
  • 6. O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • 7. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"


This paper considers a model of the neural network for semantically segmenting the images of monitored objects on aerial photographs. Unmanned aerial vehicles monitor objects by analyzing (processing) aerial photographs and video streams. The results of aerial photography are processed by the operator in a manual mode; however, there are objective difficulties associated with the operator's handling a large number of aerial photographs, which is why it is advisable to automate this process. Analysis of the models showed that to perform the task of semantic segmentation of images of monitored objects on aerial photographs, the U-Net model (Germany), which is a convolutional neural network, is most suitable as a basic model. This model has been improved by using a wavelet layer and the optimal values of the model training parameters: speed (step) ‒ 0.001, the number of epochs ‒ 60, the optimization algorithm ‒ Adam. The training was conducted by a set of segmented images acquired from aerial photographs (with a resolution of 6,000×4,000 pixels) by the Image Labeler software in the mathematical programming environment MATLAB R2020b (USA). As a result, a new model for semantically segmenting the images of monitored objects on aerial photographs with the proposed name U-NetWavelet was built.

The effectiveness of the improved model was investigated using an example of processing 80 aerial photographs. The accuracy, sensitivity, and segmentation error were selected as the main indicators of the model's efficiency. The use of a modified wavelet layer has made it possible to adapt the size of an aerial photograph to the parameters of the input layer of the neural network, to improve the efficiency of image segmentation in aerial photographs; the application of a convolutional neural network has allowed this process to be automatic.


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