Aporias no Desenvolvimento da América Latina
Cavalcanti, Vanessa R. S.1
Silva, Antonio C. da2
Rodríguez, José F. G.3
- Ramírez, Aída A.3
Cahich, Ignacio C.4
- García, Lorenzo S.5
- Balcázar , Naamán I.6
- Fernández, Verna G. P.7
Pat, Zulia H. C.8
Cohen, Mirian M.9
Hendrischky, Miriam E.10
- Santos, José A. F. de A.11
Cunha, Felipe B. F.12
Torres, Ednildo A.13
Jong, Pieter de14
Primo, Rilton Gonçalo Bonfim15
Kalid, Ricardo de Araújo16
Fariña, Irma Mercedes Mendez17
- 1. Universidad de Salamanca – USAL / Universidade Católica do Salvador – UCSAL / Instituto Jurídico Portucalense -IJP
- 2. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Sociais e Cidada-nia | UCSAL
- 3. División Académica de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas – DACEA | Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco - UJAT
- 4. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo - UACH / Centro de Investigación y Servicio en Economía y Comercio Agrope-cuario - CISECA
- 5. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - BUAP
- 6. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco - UJAT
- 7. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo - UAC
- 8. Colegio de Posgraduados - CP
- 9. Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas – INI | Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ
- 10. Centro de Tecnologia Mineral - CETEM
- 11. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Industrial - PEI | Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA
- 12. Centro Interdisciplinar de Energia e Ambiente - CIENAM | UFBA
- 13. Departamento de Eng. Química da Escola Politécnica - DEQ-EP/ PEI | UFBA.
- 14. PEI / Energy and Gas Laboratory - LEN | UFBA
- 15. UFBA
- 16. UFSB
- 17. Universidad Metropolitana de Educación Ciencia y Tecno-logia - UMECIT
Chapter 1) In a contemporary historical perspective and observing the tensions about social democracy, the objective is to carry out a historiographical analysis on forms of political and historical expression about rancidity, crises and the paradoxical situation between social development and economic growth. Taking the first two decades of the 21st century, the paths followed at the world level were always tinged between unsustainable reforms and revolutionary processes, defining a distance between human capital and poverty, as well as the non-compliance with pacts and some consensus towards the field and dimensions of human rights. Thus, with a historical-dialectical bias and based on essay writing, this chapter recapitulates a past-present that insists on recording inequalities, not promoting Human Rights and (in)effectiveness of social life and subjects. Rethinking politics – in i ts pluriverse and multiple meanings – is an emergency need.
Chapter 2) The present work aims to assess the importance of NGO projects in the strengthening of peasant communities in Cuba; An analysis is made of the training programs carried out by the NGO, Oxfam America for the training of rural women and how this process contributes to their empowerment and their performance as leaders in different organizational structures of agricultural work, consolidating and advancing communities towards new lines of production and the creation of new jobs for women by increasing their preparation for life, in addition to contributing to the development of the national economy. This work was carried out in peasant communities of four Cuban provinces where Oxfam projects are applied, and a study is made from mixed research (quantitative and quantitative), through the focus group method, instruments are used for the collection information such as personalized interviews and surveys. The most relevant results focus on the fact that these projects constitute a mechanism for the improvement and training of peasant women, facilitate the creation of stable jobs, prepare them so that they can occupy management positions and contribute to the development of society and the economic stability of the family.
Chapter 3) In Mexico, globalization and the neoliberal economy have generated techno-economic progress, but also poverty and inequality. Poverty and inequality go hand in hand. Monetary income remains the main variable used to estimate levels of poverty and inequality, a fact that constitutes one of the main limitations of social programs focused on combating these problems of economic lag, since it is a fact that these are problems Multidimensional and complex nature. The most obvious effect of inequality is that it closes access to education, health and other basic satisfactors that constitute the pillars of human capital and productivity in the country. Given these problems of underdevelopment, the use of social capital has gained relevance due to its ability to influence socio-economic development and people's well-being. Social capital means the social structure and networks of collaboration and support that a person, a social group or a community has to benefit from each other. Many countries have managed to find answers to the social and economic problems associated with development through social capital. In summary, the problems of poverty and inequality are of a multicausal and complex nature and are closely related, hence its analysis and solution requires the necessary intervention of the national State through the design and implementation of effective public policies aimed at social change, in which is implicit as an articulating axis the impulse and exploitation of the prevailing social capital among Mexican society. The objective of this research is to delineate the steps of a public policy in Mexico to effectively address the current situation of poverty and inequality, based on the use of social capital. As a result of the investigation, a proposal for a State Policy on the subject is presented.
Chapter 4) In the world, globalization and neoliberal economics have brought techno-economic progress, but also inequality and poverty. Inequality is related to the way in which wealth is distributed among the population, implying that the concentration of income limits economic growth and well-being. The most evident effect of inequality is that it closes access to education, health and other basic satisfactions that constitute the pillars of human capital and the productivity of the countries. Inequality and poverty are two socio-economic problems that feed each other. In the face of these problems of economic and social backwardness, social capital has gained relevance due to its capacity to influence socio-economic development and well-being. By social capital is understood the social structure and networks of collaboration and support available to a person, a social group or a community to benefit each other. Many countries have managed through social capital to find an answer to the social and economic problems associated with economic and social underdevelopment. The purpose of this research is to describe the main characteristics of the problems of inequality and poverty, as well as the potential of social capital as an alternative solution.
Chapter 5) Poverty is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that limits the well-being of the population and negatively impacts the economic growth and development of countries. Mexico is the fourteenth largest economy in the world in terms of the size of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, 41.9 percent of the population is in a situation of multidimensional poverty, which is equivalent to 52.4 million Mexicans, out of a total of almost 125 million living in poverty and lacking access to various basic satisfactors . Likewise, only 21.9 percent of the population is not poor and not vulnerable, which keeps the country and its regions immersed in a vicious circle of poverty, inequality, low growth and insecurity, socio-economic problems of a structural nature that together constitute poverty traps The state of Tabasco, located in southeastern Mexico is the main oil producing center; However, it constitutes one of the poorest and most unequal regions in Mexico, setting an example of paradoxical poverty, a latent problem in all Latin American countries.
Chapter 6) Growth rates and competitiveness indices allow the characterization of the behavior of the variables of trade and the competitiveness of the melon of Mexico. The main producers of melon are Mainland China, Turkey, Iran, Egypt and India, while Mexico ranks twelfth. The leading exporters of melon are Spain, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras, United States of America and Mexico. This work was carried out a characterization of the growth rates of the main variables of production, trade and melon trade competitiveness indexes. The variables studied are harvested area, yield, production, exports and imports, and the calculated indices of competitiveness are relative trade balance, index of tradability, export coefficient and coefficient of commercial dependence. The results obtained show that the growth rates of the production and trade variables are positive, and the trade competitiveness indices are positive, which reflect that Mexican melon is a profitable, competitive and expanding product.
Chapter 7) Health has been and will always be a recurring theme in the sciences of man. It is normal, because it is a matter consubstantial to the human being, his awareness of finitude and his desire for transcendence. Beyond that, health is a vital public issue, since it is conditioning and determining the well-being of a society as a whole, constituting together with education in basic capacity for economic growth, human development and social welfare of a country. Therefore, for a nation as a whole, investing in health translates into greater population well-being, better human capital, greater productivity; In addition to contributing to the reduction of poverty and inequality. In this way, countries that are aware that health is a process and a social product, allocate much of the national wealth to their public financing. For all the above, it is important to deepen an integral understanding of health, because beyond a simple conception of health as absence of disease, this constitutes a complex sociocultural problem that has several study edges.
Chapter 8) The article presents the theoretical and methodological references as well as the results obtained in the implementation of the bases for process management at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). It analyzes the development of the project that expresses the institutional expectation to promote the public agenda focused on results for the society, amid the structural gaps that defy operational excellence. The benchmark adopted is Business Process Management (BPM), in which the processes are submitted for analysis of end-to-end network qualification and/or restructuring, so that they can meet the institutional commitments with the stakeholders, as well as support the institutional mission.
Chapter 9) The current paradigm of electric generation is centralized generation, however an energy transition with several innovations has been taking place and a new decentralized model has emerged, advancing distributed generation (GD). Thus, the aim of this paper is to present the Brazilian regulation about DG, your evolution and case study. The method used was an exploratory, descriptive and bibliographic study. The results were: finding the growth of GD in 2012-2018; considerable potential for growth and underutilization of GD for social benefits. It was concluded that, despite the regulatory evolution, there is a need for further improvements to better serve society.
Chapter 10) Renewable energies are fundamental to ensure energy security, less environmental impacts and the sustainability of contemporary development in the World. Among of renewable energies, the wind energy has stood out in recent years. This article aims to presents the Wind energy evolution in the World and especially in Brazil in period 2009-2018. The methodology used was a literature review and data analysis of national and international agencies and entities of the area of energy. The verified results confirm that the experience with wind energy in the world and in Brazil are successful and tend to continue to develop well.
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