Published December 29, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Ecological Networks and Fluvial Corridors in Calabria (Southern Italy)

  • 1. Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, (I.S.A.Fo.M.), C.N.R., Rende, CS, Italy



  • 1. Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, (I.S.A.Fo.M.), C.N.R., Rende, CS, Italy


The anthropic pressure on natural systems is the main cause for the present process of biodiversity loss in terrestrial biosphere [1]. Really, the human disturbance on Earth affects the 74.1% of terrestrial and marine habitats, including 22.4% completely modified, 51.7% partially disturbed and just the 25.9% in natural and pristine conditions [2]. At the beginning of third millenium, in the middle of a post-industrial era, named “Anthropocene” [3], mankind is causing the greatest mass extinction of wildlife in terrestrial biosphere [4-6].


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