Dizionario di eretici, dissidenti e inquisitori nel mondo mediterraneo
The Dizionario di eretici, dissidenti e inquisitori nel mondo mediterraneo (Dictionary of heretics, dissidents, and inquisitors in the Mediterranean world) is the main part of the Ereticopedia project. The essential idea was, and continues to be, to create an online, collaborative and evolving dictionary of the individuals and movements that in the Mediterranean region confronted established norms and reclaimed rights to freedom of thought, expression, and action, including the right to dissent and the primacy of individual conscience over the norms, doctrines, and rituals of behaviour that were imposed or commonly accepted in the societies in which they lived. However, this dictionary also wants to focus on the other side of the coin: the supporters of the Inquisition and the persecution, decisive factors in the process of Catholic “confessionalization” which, from a certain point of view, particularly characterized the histories of the Mediterranean Europe in the Modern Age.