Published December 22, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Research on advanced technologies – design and development of cloud computing model

  • 1. Technical University of Sofia


This article is a bibliographic review and focuses on a brief introduction to Cloud Computing as an innovative educational tool. Cloud technology is rapidly spreading in educational institutions, sometimes replacing the in-house infrastructure with cloud services. Education plays an important role in a country's economy and today, the educational model in many countries has evolved with technology. Schools and universities in the world extensively use cloud Based Technology. Digital teaching – E-Learning and cloud-based technology are the latest models that have been widely adopted in the educational field. The identified trends in the use of cloud computing in education are clear, ranging from the design of cloud-oriented learning environments for future information technology specialists to the training of information technology specialists to enable them to obtain competencies in the use of cloud technologies. Cloud computing is a distributed computing paradigm, where, instead of acquiring information technology products, users access shared resources under various service models through a network, usually the Internet. The application of cloud computing is very broad and growing daily because of many advantages to the users, and is driven by the increasing use of various mobile devices (laptops, tablets and smartphones) and mobile Internet access being more available. The perspectives of its integration in the learning process are highlighted, as well as the factors that make its implementation difficult. Finally, some general conclusions presented on how technologies should be adopted to meet the educational needs of this new global challenge and some suggestions are made for more effective training through the Cloud Computing, as the need for further research emerges


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