Published December 31, 2017
| Version v1
FIGURE 1 in The genera and species of Comatulidae (Comatulida: Crinoidea): taxonomic revisions and a molecular and morphological guide
FIGURE 1. Comatellinae. (A–C) Alloeocomatella pectinifera—(A) live, centrodorsal concealed with ten arms exposed from coral, photographed at night; (B) well-developed rounded pentagonal centrodorsal with one row of cirri; (C) combs with>20 tall, narrow, triangular teeth confluent with the outer edge of pinnule, non-tapering. (D) Alloeocomatella polycladia exposed on coral following removal from under loose coral rubble, with diagnostic red color and>10 arms, curling. (E–F) Comatella stelligera, preserved—(E) specimen 2, entire animal showing>20 arms and numerous cirri; (F) specimen 1, well-developed circular centrodorsal with two rows of cirri; arrows indicate syzygies. (G–L) Comatella nigra—(G–J) live, semicryptic on coral reef, showing various color morphs; (K) well-developed circular centrodorsal with one row of cirri; arrows indicate syzygies; (L) combs with triangular teeth, confluent with interior side of pinnule, diminishing distally to a blunt tip. Raja Ampat, Indonesia: A. not vouchered; C. SIO-BIC E6166. Palau: B. CRECH 236; K. SIO-BIC E5875; L. SIO-BIC E6265. Madang, Papua New Guinea: D. MNHN-IE-2013-8123. G. MNHN-IE-2013-8179; I. MNHN-IE-2013-8103; MNHN-IE-2013-8064. Challenger Station 174, near Kandavu, Fiji: E–F. NHM, type specimens 1 and 2. Timor: H. AM J.25420.
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