Published May 14, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Study of risks factors and comorbid pathology in patients with diabets mellitus in the Republic of Karakalpakstan

  • 1. Nukus branch o f Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute


The article presents the study of regional features of the prevalence of major risk factors and the structure of comrbid pathology in patients with diabetes mellitus. The study was conducted at the endocrinology dispensary (ED) of the RTM. A retrospective analysis 95 of the history of patients of the endocrinology department for the period from January 20 December 2015 conducted a study of the history of araberculosis of the year. Clinical and radiological features, as well as the concomitant disease. The conducted research showed, that in the Republic of Karakalpakstan more often occurs diabetes II type aged 46–54 years with comrbid pathology suffer in the main patients diabetes II type of such illness, as chronic pyelonephritis fat hepatosis, anemia, ischemic heart disease, not stable angina, chronic cardiac is not enough II degree, Hypertensive disease and antipathy of the retina tumor of the kidney, and patients with type I diabets suffer from such diseases as chronic hepatitis pancreatitis and in patients with type diabets mellitus and cystic comlicantions such as diabetic polyneuropathy and diabetic nephropathy, diabetic foot, retinopathy, myocardialdystrophy.


Нурполатова С. Т., Турымбетова Р. И., Ермекбаева А. У., Абдуллаева Х. Е. .pdf

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