Published December 18, 2021 | Version New
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Applied Research in Humanities and Social Science

  • 1. Associate Professor Department of Sociology Shia P.G. College, Lucknow- 226020
  • 2. Assistant Professor Department of Sociology Shia P.G. College, Lucknow- 226020
  • 3. Assistant Professor Department of Persian Shia P.G. College, Lucknow- 226020
  • 4. Associate Professer and Head of Department Department of Education Karamat Husain Muslim Girls (PG) College (Associated Lucknow Univerity), Lucknow, UP


This book is organized as a road map for researching, arguing and composing Recent Research in Humanities and Social Science. The present volume is based on contributions made by various authors on the topics of their interest about "Applied Research in Humanities and Social Science" and introduces the subject along with the following topics: Effect of Kooshmanda Swarasa Ghrita in Improving the Quality of Life in Intractable Epilepsy in Children; Redefining the Family and Family Structure Classification for Recent Times; Role of Education in the Empowerment of Women in India; Girls and Women Education is the most Powerful Lever to Change and Develop the Society; Cooking Energy Sector in India: A Policy Landscape; Status of Persons with Disabilities in Ancient India; Constructivism as an Interdisciplinary Approach to Learning; Qualitative Research in Social Sciences: An Analysis of Interdisciplinary Research Methods; Effect of Educational Technology in Development of Numeracy Skills among Children with Intellectual Disability; Role of Communication in Defining the Phonology of a Language; Effectiveness of Constructivist Approach in Online Learning; Groundwater Nitrate Contamination and Associated Health Disorders; Effectiveness of English Newspapers on Women Issues with Special Reference to Prayagraj City; Right to Information is a Key of Human Right and Development in India; Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescent Girls of Rural Areas; Teaching Attitude of Aspirants Teacher towards Teaching; Effectiveness of Constant Time Delay Procedure in Teaching Activities of Daily Living to Children with Intellectual Disability and Associated Conditions; Yogyavidhi-Skill Development Technique; An assessment of chitosan as antibacterial agent for cotton and P:C blend fabrics; Growth Studies on Casuarina Species in North Eastern Zone of Tamil Nadu; Women Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and Challenges; Women Education: A Key of Success Society; Impact of Online Education and ELearning on Higher Education: Potential and Benefits; The Impact of Legal Education on Preventing Child Labour in India .



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