Published August 31, 2013 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Misconceptions in chemical bonding and its remedial measure through constructivist strategies


Union Christian Training College, Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India

Education College, Basantapur, Dumkal, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India

Sponsored Teachers' Training College, Purulia-723 101, West Bengal, India

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Manuscript received online 05 June 2012, accepted 09 September 2012

Science educators have agreed that understanding of chemical bonding is the basis of chemistry education. In this field, many articles dealing with the problem of learning difficulties of students in the concept of mole, chemical equilibrium, solutions, electrochemistry and atomic structure can be found in the science education literature. Learning science is a cumulative process where new information is added to students' existing knowledge, constructing the knowledge based on what they already have. What students do with information which is presented to them depends largely on what they already think and believe. Constructivist approach seems to be effective in providing meaningful learning. According to this approach, this kind of learning can take place only when the learner relates the new information to his already existing knowledge. Knowledge cannot be transmitted to the learner's mind from a textbook or by the teacher. Instead, students construct their knowledge by making links between their ideas and new concepts through experience they acquire in school or society. Teacher, thus, must help students' correct alternative conceptions and. assist meaningful learning. In this article we have concentrated the basic misconceptions of students to explain different types of chemical bonds and advocate some measures to eradicate the misconceptions related to chemical bonding.



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