Published September 29, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

interACT H2020 Project - D7.3 Proceedings of the interACT Final Event

  • 1. Institute of Communication and Computer Systems


The current deliverable constitutes a detailed report of the activities made within Task 7.3 “Dissemination of foreground and events” in regards to the organisation of interACT Virtual Final Event that took place on the 18th and 19th June of 2020. These activities include the agenda creation, the invitations sent to potential attendees, the digital promotional materials created, the announcements made via social media for raising the visibility of the event and additional work performed around the final event. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that the interACT consortium had already planned a physical event that would have been held on April 1st of 2020 and preparatory activities towards its realization had been made. Particularly, the venue’s location was selected to be in Fürstenfeldbruck area (Bavaria) close to BMW test tract in Maisach. The physical conference as well as the exhibition would have taken place in Fürstenfeldbruck and the demonstration of interACT test cars would have been made in Maisach.

After the COVID-19 outbreak the interACT consortium had to cancel the physical event and after receiving an extension on project’s lifecycle due to the unpredictable impact of the pandemic the event was turned to a virtual one. However, within this deliverable only the activities made for organizing and realizing the virtual event of the project, are described.

Lastly, D7.3 includes the reports from the presentations given by the interACT partners during the online event for ensuring that readers have an overview about the presented results of the project.



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European Commission
interACT – Designing cooperative interaction of automated vehicles with other road users in mixed traffic environments 723395