Published June 20, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Combining non-intrusive and extractive methodologies for soot determination on aircraft engine emissions


As a national research institution, INTA is supporting European and the Rolls-Royce initiatives to achieve the environmental goals of the European vision for aviation. Reserarch into non-volatile particulate matter emissions under dynamic engine operating conditions that influence soot formation requires the development of novel sampling techniques. For this reason, in the framework of CIDAR Project a non-intrusive corss-sectional imaging of nvPM, based on Laser Induced Incandescence, demonstrated at INTA's jet engine test facility, has been used.


3 Combining non-intrusive and extractive methodologies for soot determination on aircraft engine emissions.pdf

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European Commission
CIDAR – Combustion species Imaging Diagnostics for Aero-engine Research 785539