Chilecicada magna Sanborn & Cole & Stukel & Łukasik & Veloso & Gonzalez & Karkar & Simon 2021, n. sp.
Chilecicada magna n. sp. Sanborn and Cole
Fig. 5 (morphology), Plate 1 (live habitus), Plate 2 (song), Plate 4 (wing flick), Plate 5 (distribution)
Chilecicada occidentis (in part) non Walker: Figs. 1–9, 341, 345.
Type material. Holotype. “16.CL. ML.CCP.037 / -35.8144, -70.8314 / 6.I.2016 C. V., J.M.” ♂ (UCMS). Paratypes. “14.CL.LI.CCC.493.1 / -34.2343, -70.4806 / 15.XII.2014 Piotr Lukasik” 1♀ (MNNC); “14.CL.LI.CCC.493.2 / -34.2343, -70.4806 / 15.XII.2014 Piotr Lukasik” 1♂ (MNNC); “14.CL.LI.CCC.491.1 / -34.2343, -70.4806 /
15.XII.2014 Piotr Lukasik” 1♀ (UCMS); “14.CL.LI.CCC.491.2 / -34.2343, -70.4806 / 15.XII.2014 Piotr Lukasik” 1♂ (UCMS); “15.CL. ML.LMT.721 / -34.9691, -70.9461 / 19.XII.2015 C. V., K.N., P.L.” 1♂ (UCMS); “15.CL. ML. LMT.724.2 / -34.9691, -70.9461 / 19.XII.2015 C. V., K.N., P.L.” 1♂ (UCMS); “15.CL. ML.LMT.725 / -34.9691, -70.9461 / 19.XII.2015 C. V., K.N., P.L.” 1♀ (AFSC); “15.CL. ML.LMT.724.1 / -34.9691, -70.9461 / 19.XII.2015 C. V., K.N., P.L.” 1♂ (AFSC); “ Sex: Male (12) / Collector: C. Veloso & C. Cecchi / Date: 01/27/10 / Location Farellones. RM. / (33°20’51” S. 70°19’15”W. 1830 m)” 1♂ (AFSC); “El Canelo / Chile / Dec. 29 1950 / L. E. Pena ” 2♂ and 2♀ (AFSC); “Cjn. Del Maipo / Santiago / X-XII-1978 / Coll. L.E. Pena ” 1♂ (AFSC); “ CHILE: Región Metro. / curva 18, 6km W. / Corral Qumada / 33°21’ S 180m / 70°20’ W 11.XI.1994 / SL Heydon & E. Arias / ex Baccharis ” 1♂ (AFSC). The code 16.CL. ML.CCP.037 refers to the side of the road, Valley of Rio Maule, Maule Región, Chile collected by collected by Claudio Veloso and John McCutcheon and is the type locality of the species. The code 14.CL.LI.CCC refers to the area near the confluence of rivers Pangal and Cachapoal, 7 km SE from the village of Coya, O’Higgins Regions, Chile. The 15.CL. ML.LMT refers to the View point near the village of La Montana, Maule Region, Chile collected by Claudio Veloso and Piotr Łukasik.
Etymology. The name (L. magnus, large, great) in reference to the large body size of the species in comparison to the majority of congeneric species.
Description. Ground color testaceous heavily marked with piceous, ochraceous costal margin, radius & subcostal vein and basal veins of fore wing. Costal margin, radius & subcostal vein and basal veins of fore wing faded with greenish tinge in some paratypes. Body covered with silvery pile.
Head. Head slightly wider than mesonotum, dorsal head piceous except ground color supra-antennal plate, medial margin along postclypeus ground color in some paratypes, medial supra-antennal plate piceous in one paratype, ground color anteromedial corner of vertex ground color posterior cranial depression with mark extending laterally to level of posterior cranial depression, extending as far laterad as medial angle of eye in some paratypes, mark extending anteriorly into posterior epicranial suture or anteriorly to surround piceous posterior cranial depression forming a spot on either side of ground color mark in some paratypes, short silvery pile and radiating long silvery pile on dorsal head, denser in some paratypes, denser long silvery pile posterior to eye. Two ocelli rosaceous, one ochraceous, rosaceous or combination in paratypes, eyes dark castaneous margined proximally with ground color. Gena piceous centrally surrounded by ground color on anterior, medial and posteromedial margins along lorum, lorum piceous with ground color anteromedial corner and anterior and lateral margins, short white pile and radiating long silvery pile on lorum and gena. Postclypeus ground color with piceous transverse grooves and central sulcus, 12 transverse grooves, dorsum piceous with angled elongated castaneous spot on either side of midline, long white pile radiating from postclypeus, short white pile along lateral margin. Anteclypeus with ground color carina, medial anterior and posterior margins, piceous laterally with piceous extending towards midline in middle, ground color expanding laterally in some paratypes, short fascia on either side of midline in some paratypes where piceous not expanding medially, covered with short white pile and radiating long white pile. Mentum ground color with lateral U-shaped castaneous fascia pointing distally, labium piceous, rostrum radiating long silvery pile, reaching to anterior of hind coxae. Scape ground color, remaining antennal segments piceous.
Thorax. Pronotum ground color, piceous fascia on either side of midline between anterior fissure and pronotal collar, mark extending laterad anteriorly and posteriorly to form triangular mark terminating in fissure, anteromedial, lateral and posterior ambient fissures, paramedian and lateral fissures piceous, all fissures piceous in some paratypes, anterior paramedian and lateral fissures ground color in some paratypes, mark in ambient fissure extending irregularly onto disks, irregular longitudinal mark extending onto disk between paramedian and lateral fissures but not reaching lateral fissure, small piceous spots on disk just posterior to central paramedian fissure and anterior and posterior to middle of lateral fissure, spots expanded or reduced in some paratypes. Pronotal collar ground color with piceous anterior margin dorsally, angled piceous fascia from lateral ambient fissure along anterior margin of pronotal collar lateral angle, mark extending to posterolateral corner of lateral angle in some paratypes. Short silvery pile in pronotal fissures, also on disks in some paratypes. Mesonotum piceous with ground color anterolateral corner, lateral margin, J-shaped fascia along parapsidal suture, posterolateral surface extending as fascia to surround posterior lateral sigilla connecting to anterior arm of cruciform elevation, piceous mark lateral to lateral sigillum extending to lateral margin, reduced or absent in some paratypes, cruciform elevation ground color except between anterior arms, small mark on anterior midline, anterior half of lateral cruciform elevation piceous, wing groove ground color with piceous fasciae anteromedially and anterolaterally connected anteriorly by transverse piceous fascia. Metanotum ground color with piceous midline and anterolateral, mediolateral and posterolateral fasciae, small, semicircular notch in posteromedial margin. Dorsum with silvery pile between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, between anterior and posterior arms of cruciform elevation, and long silvery pile in wing groove, short silvery pile on dorsum in some paratypes. Ventral thoracic segments ground color except piceous on central basisternum 2, posterior katepisternum 2, medial anepisternum 2, lateral trochantin 2, anterior margin and lateral meron 2, basisternum 3, transverse fascia on episternum 3 and lateral trochantin 3, piceous expanded or reduced in some paratypes. Ventral segments covered with short white pile and radiating long white pile.
Wings. Fore wings and hind wings hyaline with eight and six apical cells respectively. Venation ochraceous, greenish-ochraceous in some paratypes, proximally, becoming piceous distally, costal margin and radius & subcostal vein separated by piceous fascia proximally along basal cell, extending distal to basal cell or absent in some paratypes, cubitus posterior piceous, posterior of anal vein 2 + 3 piceous. Basal cell about 3.75 times longer than broad with piceous mark proximally. Pterostigma present. Basal membrane of fore wing orange mottled with red with darker posterior margin. Hind wing venation similarly colored except piceous median vein, anal vein 2 and anal vein 3, piceous spot on wing base. Basal plaga, anal cell 3 along anal vein 3 to terminal curve, anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3 to terminal curve, proximal anal cell 1, proximal medial cell and proximal costal cell with orange mottled with red, infuscation in anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 bordering orange and red area and base of cubital cell 1, cubital cell 2 and anal cell 1.
Legs. Legs ochraceous, tinged with green in some paratypes, coxae, trochanters and femora striped with piceous, fore tibiae with piceous spot proximally, striped with piceous and piceous distal terminus, middle with thinner and shorter fascia and incomplete marking distally, hind tibiae proximal spot reduced to three small spots without the fascia and terminal mark, tibial spurs and tibial combs castaneous with darker tips, tarsi piceous except ground color proximal pretarsus in fore tarsi, ventral and lateral mesotarsus also ground color in middle tarsi, and all but distal pretarsus ground color in hind tarsi, pretarsal claws piceous. Fore femora with primary spine angled to femur, secondary spine almost upright, angled distally in some paratypes, with proximally expanding base, and very small tertiary spine, primary spine piceous with ground color base, secondary spine ground color with piceous tip, darker in some paratypes, tertiary spine ground color, piceous in some paratypes. Proximal segments with short white pile, all segments radiating white silvery pile. Male meracanthus ground color with piceous spot on base, an elongated triangle with parallel-sided base and triangular tip, reaching to posterior margin of sternite I but not reaching posterior of tympanal cavity. Female meracanthus similarly shaped and colored, reaching to anterior of sternite III.
Opercula. Male opercula ground color with piceous spot on lateral base, lateral margin straight, obtusely angled posterolateral margin, posterior margin straight, medial margin rectangular, anteromedial margin obliquely angled to base, lightly margined with piceous in some paratypes, not reaching to anterior of sternite II posteriorly, well separated medially extending under lateral margin of meracanthus, covered with short white pile, long white pile radiating from operculum margin. Female operculum similarly colored and shaped but only reaching just past half the length of the meracanthus to the middle of sternite II.
Abdomen. Abdominal tergite 1 with ground color anterior margin, anterolateral and posterolateral corners, with transverse piceous fascia narrowing laterally and dark ground color dorsoposterior margin, tergite 2 piceous anterodorsally between timbal cavity medial margins, piceous margined with castaneous posteriorly, ground color posteriorly and laterally, piceous within timbal cavity, tergites 3–8 piceous bordered posteriorly and laterally with ground color, ground color proportion increasing in tergites 7 and 8 becoming half of tergite 8, tergites covered with sparse, short silvery pile, longer pile radiating from lateral tergites 5–8. Timbal cover a thickened rim, ground color in holotype, piceous in some paratypes, timbal completely exposed with 13 long ribs and 11 intercalary ribs. Male sternite I ground color, sternite II ground color with small piceous spots on either side of midline and posterior auditory capsule, sternite III ground color with piceous anterior margin and transverse piceous spot posterior to piceous fascia, fusing to piceous fascia in some paratypes, sternites IV–VII ground color. Epipleurites ground color, light castaneous spot centrally, much darker and obvious in some paratypes. Sternite VIII ground color with small piceous spot ventral to dorsal margin curve, dorsal margin with curve near base forming a slightly obtuse angle, V-shaped when viewed from posterior. Sternites and epipleurites with short silvery pile and radiating long silvery pile, longer on medial sternites I and II and on sternites VII and VIII. Female sternite VII ground color with large anterolateral piceous spots, single, deep, V-shaped notch almost reaching anterior margin, posterolateral margin on either side of notch curved, connecting to straight lateral margin. Female abdominal segment 9 ground color ventrally and posteriorly, piceous dorsally, dorsoanteriorly, dorsolaterally, on stigma, piceous margined with castaneous, castaneous fascia on ventrolateral surface ventral to stigma in one paratype, dorsal beak piceous, covered with short silvery pile and radiating long silvery pile ventrally. Dorsal beak not as long as piceous margined with ground color anal styles. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 straight.
Genitalia. Male pygofer ground color with piceous dorsally, anterolaterally, and dorsolateral spots anterior to posterior margin that fuse to dorsal mark, a small castaneous spot on ventral base of distal shoulder, piceous or absent in some paratypes, ground color expanded in some paratypes, distal shoulder undeveloped, smoothly curved, not reaching to middle of anal tube, dorsal beak absent, pygofer with short silvery pile on dorsolateral posterior. Upper pygofer lobe absent, pygofer basal lobes elongated, adpressed to lateral pygofer, flattened, curving dorsally at slightly oblique angle, extending more than half pygofer length, expanding distal to bend to spoon-shaped terminus, apex against lateral pygofer margin. Anal styles piceous with ground color margins, radiating short silvery pile, anal tube piceous with ground color posterior margin. Median uncus lobe ground color with piceous base, dorsolateral castaneous fascia narrowing and terminating proximal to terminus, elongated, undivided, angled posteriorly from base, distal third angled toward sternite VIII, widening laterally from base before tapering to pointed posterior margin leaving small notch on terminus, small ground color ridge on distal dorsal surface midline, ventral surface recurved, almost meeting along midline except for small hole near distal terminus for extension of aedeagus, radiating long golden pile.Aedeagus castaneous with darker lateral fascia with a pair of terminal spines extending from ochraceous lateral lobes, basal aedeagus tubular, dark castaneous.
Female gonocoxite IX piceous with ground color ventral margin, gonapophysis IX castaneous with piceous tip, gonapophysis X piceous. Ovipositor sheath not reaching terminus of dorsal beak, reaching to middle of anal styles. Long golden pile radiating from ovipositor sheath.
Measurements (mm). n= 10♂, 5♀, mean (range). Length of body: ♂ 19.61 (18.45–20.70), ♀ 19.67 (18.80– 20.45); length of fore wing: ♂ 22.49 (21.35–23.20), ♀ 23.33 (22.30–24.80); width of fore wing: ♂ 8.24 (7.95–8.85), ♀ 8.55 (8.00–9.30); length of head: ♂ 3.40 (3.25–3.60), ♀ 3.43 (3.35–3.60); width of head including eyes: ♂ 6.60 (6.40–6.80), ♀ 6.68 (6.20–7.00); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: ♂ 7.12 (7.05–7.35), ♀ 7.58 (7.20–8.00); width of mesonotum: ♂ 6.14 (6.00–6.30), ♀ 6.33 (6.70–6.10).
Song. (n=1, a 45 s recording of a paratype from 15.CL.ML.LMT, O’Higgins Region, La Montana) Echemes lasting 0.53 s produced at a rate of 1.20 s- 1. Echeme duration is significantly shorter than C. curacaviensis, C. partemporaria, and C. trifasciunca (1-sample t -test, P =3.86×10 -7) but significantly longer than C. oraria (1-sample t -test, P =1.65×10 -6). There are no significant echeme rate differences between C. magna and C. curacaviensis, C. oraria, C. partemporaria, and C. trifasciunca. The dominant frequency band is 8.96–11.08 kHz (mean dominant frequency=10.25 kHz).
Diagnosis. One of the larger of the Chilecicada species. This new species can be distinguished by having in combination a body length between 18.45–20.70 mm, fore wing length between 21.35–24.80 mm, fore wing basal cell about 3.75 times longer than broad, a piceous mark along the proximal fore wing basal cell, a piceous fascia separating the proximal fore wing costa and radius + subcostal veins, an elongated meracanthus with a parallelsided base and triangular distal terminus, ground color medial opercular margin, rectangular medial operculum, abdominal epipleurites with a central spot, and an uncus that is piceous with ground color lateral and dorsal fasciae with the distal third bent to terminus.
The song is the common medium echeme duration (~ 0.5 s) slow echeme rate (~1 s-1) type shared with C. culenesensis, C. curacaviensis, C. partemporaria, C. oraria, C. pehuenchesensis, and C. trifasciunca. The single recording suggests that the C. magna echeme duration may be intermediate between other species with similar songs: shorter than C. curacaviensis, C. partemporaria, C. trifasciunca, and perhaps C. culenesensis, but longer than C. oraria. Echeme durations may be indistinguishable between C. magna and C. pehuenchesensis. The lack of concomitant echeme rate differences will make song-based diagnosis difficult.
Distribution. The species is known from the type series collected in multiple localities in the Maule, Metropolitana, and O’Higgins Regions of central Chile.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1950-12-29 , 2014-12-15 , 2016-01-06
- Family
- Cicadidae
- Genus
- Chilecicada
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Sanborn & Cole & Stukel & Łukasik & Veloso & Gonzalez & Karkar & Simon
- Species
- magna
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1950-12-29/2015-12-19 , 2014-12-15 , 2016-01-06
- Taxonomic concept label
- Chilecicada magna Sanborn, Cole, Stukel, Łukasik, Veloso, Gonzalez, Karkar & Simon, 2021