Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pupopsis yengiawat Wu & Gao, 2010, sp. nov.


12. Pupopsis yengiawat sp. nov.

Figs. 1, 3 J, 5E, 11D–11E, 12; Tables 2, 3

Type material. Holotype: HBUMM-04439–specimen 1 (fma); Yengiawat, 41°24ʹ N, 79°24ʹE, Xinjiang, China, 2005–VI–30, leg. A. Kanatbaytegi. Paratypes: HBUMM -04439–specimens 2–8 (7 fms), collection data same as holotype.

Type locality. Yengiawat, Xinjiang

Material examined. Type material.

Distribution. Xinjiang (only known from the type locality).

Etymology. The new species is named after the type locality “ Yengiawat.” The epithet is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Shell with 6.125–6.750 whorls. Height 8.0–9.4, diam. maj. 4.1–4.7. Parietal tooth distinct, indistinct or absent. Columellar tooth absent. No tooth on palatal wall. Epiphallus straight. Flagellum absent. Penial caecum absent. Penis distally with one V-shaped pilaster. A-2 near A-3 internally without a ring of papillae. A-3 opening into A-2 without papilla. Bursa copulatrix duct proximally straight. Diverticle present.

Shell. Cylindrical with conical top; apex not acuminate; dextral; thin-shelled; solid; dull; with 6.125–6.446– 6.750 whorls. Whorls with indistinct spiral grooves; somewhat convex. Embryonic shell smooth; polished; with 1.500–1.554–1.625 whorls. Postnuclear whorls wrinkled. Suture simple. Last whorl gradually ascending toward aperture; rounded at periphery. Shell 8.0–8.8–9.4 high; 4.1–4.4– 4.7 in diam. maj. Height/diam. maj. ratio 1.90– 2.01–2.08. Aperture subovate; almost vertical; its insertions connected by a distinct parietal callus; with or without teeth; 3.1–3.5–3.9 high, 2.6–2.9–3.2 wide. Ratio of shell height to aperture height 2.36–2.57–2.72. Angular tubercle fused with aperture insertion. Parietal tooth clearly present, or a more or less distinct, low thickening, or absent. Palatal tooth absent. Palatal margin rounded. Peristome broadly and abruptly reflexed; outer edge sharp; with a strong, white callus within. Palatal wall toothless. Columellar margin reflexed; simple. Columellar tooth absent. Umbilicus narrowly open. Shell, including upper whorls, uniformly dirty white; aperture white.

Genitalia. Vas deferens entering epiphallus apically. Epiphallus moderately long; cylindrical and of uniform thickness; straight. Epiphallic caecum apically blunt. Flagellum wanting (Fig. 12, arrow). Penial caecum absent. Penis with terminal entrance of epiphallus; evenly thick; thin-walled; with pilasters fused at epiphallic pore forming velum; with one V-shaped pilaster. V-shaped pilaster with proximal free end approaching at penial retractor insertion. A large papilla developed by fused distal pilasters forming V-shaped structure present. Penial appendix moderately long; divided into sections A-1+A-2, A-3 and A-4+A-5. A-1 short. A-1 and A-2 with evenly arranged transversal folds. A-1 and A-2 fused. A-2 near A-3 internally without a ring of papillae. A-2 and A-3 not fused. A-3 opening into A-2 without papilla. Boundary between A-4 and A-5 indistinct. A-5 short; straight. Free oviduct moderately long. Bursa copulatrix duct moderately long; proximally straight. Bursa copulatrix with short duct; well defined. Diverticle longer than reservoir. Diverticle diverging from bursa duct closer to reservoir than to duct’s proximal end.

Remarks. This new species is quite unique among the known Pupopsis species. It is included in this genus because its aperture is usually furnished with a weak tooth. The species has neither a columellar tooth nor a palatal tooth. Even the weak parietal tooth is not always present in the observed type specimens. The shell of the new species resembles in overall appearance the toothless genus Subzebrinus Westerlund, 1887 (sensu Schileyko 1998, = Pseudonapaeus Westerlund, 1887 sensu Bank & Neubert 1998). However, Subzebrinus has neither a flagellum nor a diverticle and shows a completely different interior penial structure.


Published as part of Wu, Min & Gao, Linhui, 2010, A review of the genus Pupopsis Gredler, 1898 (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Enidae), with the descriptions of eight new species from China, pp. 1-27 in Zootaxa 2725 on pages 20-23, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.199982


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Pupopsis yengiawat Wu & Gao, 2010


  • Schileyko, A. A. (1998) Treatise on recent terrestrial pulmonate molluscs. Part. 2. Gastrocoptidae, Hypselostomatidae, Vertiginidae, Truncatellinidae, Pachnodidae, Enidae, Sagdidae. Ruthenica, Supplement 2, 129 - 261.
  • Bank, R. A. & Neubert, E. (1998) Notes on Buliminidae, 5: on the systematic position of Arabian Buliminidae (Gastropoda Pulmonata), with the description of a new genus. Basteria, 61, 73 - 84.