Published December 13, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Campus Pond (Buffalo Creek Watershed) Water Data from 2021-11-03 to 2021-11-23

  • 1. Longwood University


# General Metadata for Campus Pond Sampling Station

## Files

Specific metadata for each deployment and sensor can be found as text files with the file format of:

Where YYYY-MM-DD is the date that the sampling period ended.

NOTE: The metadata in the above file is collected from the data logger and does not have all of fields present in the final data set, because some were created during data cleaning. Details on how the data were cleaned and variables created can be found at in the cleaning scripts on Gitlab [](

## File Created

  * 2021-11-10 by KF - copied and modified from
## File Modified

## Description

These data are from the sampling station in Campus Pond on the Longwood University Campus. The sensors are along the S shoreline of the pond (37.296813, -78.397702).

All data are CC-BY and should be cited using the DOI available at

## Station Specifics

  The specific sensors at the site are:

    * Water Temperature (dC) and Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) are collected with a Onset HOBO U26-001 Dissolved Oxygen Logger
    * Water Temperature (dC) and Water Pressure (mmHg) are collected with an Onset HOBO U20-001-01 Water Level Logger
    * Water Temperature (dC) and Conductivity are collected with an Onset HOBO U24-001 Conductivity Logger
    * Air Temperature (dC) and Barometric Pressure (mmHg) are collected with an Onset HOBO U20-001-01 Water Level Logger mounted in the air next to the wetland.

The sensors are sampled every 15 minutes
## Measurement Parameters, units, and Variable Names

    * date.time - the date and time that the record was collected, reported in POSIX standard time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
    * observation.DO, .CT, .press, or .BP - the incremental number of each observation from the DO, conductivity, water pressure, or barometric pressure sensor.
    * timestamp.DO, .CT, .press, or .BP - the data and time that the record was collected, as reported by the data logger (MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS A/PM) from the DO, conductivity, water pressure, or barometric pressure sensor.
    * DO - the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water (mg/L)
    * Temp.DO, .CT, .press, or .BP - the temperature (dC) from the DO, conductivity, water pressure, or barometric pressure sensor.
    * or .BP - the pressure recorded by the pressure transducer (kPa) on the water pressure or barometric pressure sensor.
    * Z - the depth of the water (cm).
    * Low_Range_CT - the conductivity read from 0 - 2500 uS/cm (uS/cm)
    * Full_Range_CT - the conductivity read from 0 - 15000 uS/cm (mmHg)
    * press.g.cm2 - the pressure from the water pressure sensor (g/cm^2)
    * BP.g.cm2 - the barometric pressure from the barometric pressure sensor (g/cm^2)



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