There is a newer version of the record available.

Published December 10, 2021 | Version v0.3-dev
Software Open

polifonia-project/folk_ngram_analysis: FONN v0.3-dev

  • 1. @data-science-institute-nuig
  • 2. National University of Ireland, Galway


FONN (FOlk N-gram aNalysis) repo targets the identification of patterns that are useful in detecting relationships between pieces of music, with a particular focus on European musical heritage. At present, it includes three components:

  1. FONN: Work-in-progress on tools that make use of n-grams and Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance to explore melodic similarity between monophonic Irish folk tunes.
  2. Ceol Rince na hÉireann (CRÉ) corpus: A cleaned and annotated version of the Ceol Rince na hÉireann corpus of Irish traditional dance music, containing 1,224 monophonic MIDI files, and a csv table of root note values for each file.
  3. Root Note Detection: Work in progress on development of a Machine Learning-based root note detection algorithm, exploring the use of decision tree and random forest techniques to aggregate and improve the accuracy of an ensemble of root detection metrics.



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