Column names:
Columns with the prefix "s_" or "r_" refer to metrics calculated relative to the source or recipient community, respectively. Columns containing "_n_", "_e_", or "_ne_" refer to metrics calculated relative to native species, established species, or both native and established species, respectively. The abbreviations "pd", "nnd", "mpd", "vpd","spd", and "kpd" refer to Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity, Phylogenetic Nearest Neighbor Distance, Mean Phylogenetic Distance, Variance of Phylogenetic Distance, Skewness of Phylogenetic Distance, and Kurtosis of Phylogenetic Distance, respectively.
All continuous variables (phylogenetic metrics, richness metrics, and area metrics) have been scaled and centered.
Columns included are:
"species_i" : The focal species
"site_i" : The focal site, one of either H, F, or N to denote Hawaii, Florida, or New Zealand.
"s_range_size" : The source range size, measured in 100 km x 100 km raster cells occupied.
"s_pd" : The source range Faith's PD
"s_nnd" : The source range phylogenetic nearest neighbor distance
"s_mpd" : The source range mean phylogenetic distance
"s_vpd" : The source range variance of phylogenetic distance
"s_spd" : The source range skewness of phylogenetic distance
"s_kpd" : The source range kurtosis of phylogenetic distance
"s_richness" : The source range species richness.
"r_success" : Introduction success in the recipient range (1 for established, 0 for failed).
"r_range_size" : The source range size, measured in 100 km x 100 km raster cells occupied.
"r_n_pd" : The recipient range Faith's PD, calculated relative to native species only.
"r_n_nnd" : The recipient range phylogenetic nearest neighbor distance, relative to native species only.
"r_n_mpd" : The recipient range mean phylogenetic distance, relative to native species only.
"r_n_vpd" : The recipient range variance of phylogenetic distances, relative to native species only.
"r_n_spd" : The recipient range skewness of phylogenetic distances, relative to native species only.
"r_n_kpd" : The recipient range kurtosis of phylogenetic distances, relative to native species only.
"r_n_richness" : The recipient range species richness of native species.
"r_e_pd" : The recipient range Faith's PD, calculated relative to established species only.
"r_e_nnd" : The recipient range phylogenetic nearest neighbor distance, relative to established species only.
"r_e_mpd" : The recipient range mean phylogenetic distance, relative to established species only.
"r_e_vpd" : The recipient range variance of phylogenetic distance, relative to established species only.
"r_e_spd" : The recipient range skewness of phylogenetic distance, relative to established species only.
"r_e_kpd" : The recipient range kurtosis of phylogenetic distance, relative to established species only.
"r_e_richness" : The recipient range species richness of established species.
"r_ne_pd" : The recipient range Faith's PD, calculated relative to both native and established species.
"r_ne_nnd" : The recipient range phylogenetic nearest neighbor distance, relative to native and established species.
"r_ne_mpd" : The recipient range mean phylogenetic distance, relative to native and established species.
"r_ne_vpd" : The recipient range variance phylogenetic distance, relative to native and established species.
"r_ne_spd" : The recipient range skewness phylogenetic distance, relative to native and established species.
"r_ne_kpd" : The recipient range kurtosis phylogenetic distance, relative to native and established species.
"r_ne_richness" : The recipient range species richness of native and established species.