SmFe12 substituted structures with OFM representation, magnetization and formation energy
The dataset shows SmFe12-based crystalline magnetic materials under the formula SmFe12-a-bXaYb with X and Y as the substituted elements from Mo, Zn, Co, Cu, Ti, Al, and Ga; a and b are integer numbers of X and Y compositions, respectively and under restriction a+b<4. A structure is created by substituting a iron sites with element X and b iron sites with element Y. The formation energy and magnetization per atom of each structure are estimated from the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) [1]. The optimization process for VASP follows the Open Quantum Materials Database standard [2]. The formation energy and magnetization are estimated with reference from [3]. Details discussion about the dataset are shown in the paper "Nguyen, DN., Kino, H., Miyake, T. et al. Explainable active learning in investigating structure–stability of SmFe12-α-βXαYβ structures X, Y {Mo, Zn, Co, Cu, Ti, Al, Ga}. MRS Bulletin (2022)."
[1] VASP: Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package: [2] OQMD: Open Quantum Materials Database: [3] Journal of Applied Physics 120, 203904 (2016);