Published January 31, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Simple correlations for the π-electron energy and other properties of cata-condensed benzenoids


Texas A&M University at Galveston, Department of Marine Sciences, Galveston 77553, USA
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Department of Applied Sciences (Mathematics), Institute of Engineering and Technology, DA VV,
Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Department of Chemistry, ISLE. IPS Academy, Knowledge city, Rajendranagar, lndore-452 017,
Madhya Pradesh, India
Laxmi Fumigation & Pest Control, Research Division, 3, Khatipura, lndore-452 007, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Manuscript received 11 November 2010. accepted 16 November 2010
In continuation of previous investigations, it is now shown that for catafusenes the Hückel π-electron energy is correlated excellently with two simple descriptors (small integers), namely the number h of benzenoid rings and the number h of zeros in the code of their dualists, i.e. the number of linearly fused rings. On the other hand, several bulk physical properties of cata-condensed benzenoids (such as the normal boiling point, the chromatographic retention index, the logarithm of the water solubility, the octanol-water partition coefficient) and one molecular property (the heat of formation), may be correlated satisfactorily with h and/or topological indices.



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