Published November 1, 2011 | Version v1
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Plasma ion levels of freshwater and marine/estuarine teleosts from Southern Brazil


Becker, Alexssandro Geferson, Gonçalves, Jamile Fabbrin, Toledo, Jaderson dos Anjos, Burns, Marcelo D. M., Garcia, Luciano de Oliveira, Vieira, João Paes, Baldisserotto, Bernardo (2011): Plasma ion levels of freshwater and marine/estuarine teleosts from Southern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 9 (4): 895-900, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252011005000039, URL:



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  • Submitted January 11, 2011 Accepted August 21, 2011 Published December 26, 2011