Published November 18, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ischnopelta montana Rosso & Campos, sp. n.


Ischnopelta montana Rosso & Campos, sp. n. (Figs. 5R, 36–37)

Etymology. The epithet refers to the mountain habitats of the specimens used in the description, collected in altitudes above 1,100m at the Caraça and Cipó Mountains, components of the geological province of Serra do Espinhaço, southeast of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Latin: montanus = of mountains, belonging to the mountain.

Type Locality. BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Catas Altas [-20.102777. -43.491666].

Holotype. Male. BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Catas Altas, XI.1961, Kloss, Lenko, Martins & Silva. Deposited at Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP), São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Paratypes. 3 males and 2 females. BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó district (old Cardeal Mota district), (20 km NE, Rod. MG 10, km 114), 1 female, 6.XI.1997, T. J. Henry & A. Paula, [-19.280555, -43.549444], (USNM); Catas Altas (Caraça, Serra do Caraça), 3 males and 1 female 23–26.XI.1960, U. R. Martins, [-20.102777, -43.491666], (MZSP).

Description. The overall somatic morphology is as described for I. scutellata, except for the following features. Body densely punctured, brownish. Head. Setae on mid-apical region of ventral surface of mandibular plates longer than in most species.Bucculae slightly higher than the first labial segment. Labrum inserted posteriorly to half the distance between the anterior margin of the eyes and apex of mandibular plates. Antennae: segment I dark yellowish with brown blotches; segments II and III brown ventrally and dark yellowish dorsally, distal half of segment II and segment III densely punctured; segments IV and V dark brown; segments ratio: I≥II<III<IV<V.

Thorax. Hemelytra: corium as long as scutellum; conspicuous spot at apex of radial vein. Pro- and mesosternum punctured. Pro-, meso- and metapleura dark yellowish.. Setae on posterodorsal margin of protibiae as long as the others.

Abdomen. Dark spots at the lateral of urosternites narrow and subtriangular, the anterior than the posterior.

Male. Apical margin of membrane of hemelytra convex; median portion of posterior margin of urosternite VII concave; urosternite VII not reaching anteriorly the imaginary line connecting the spiracles of urosternite V.

Genitalia. Pygophore with dorsal rim slightly concave (Fig. 36C, dr) and ventral rim sinuous (Fig. 36D, vr). Posterolateral angles 0.9 times smaller than the rest of the pygophore, perpendicular to the frontal plane, divergent from the base, apices sharply rounded (Fig. 36C–E, pla). Setae short and sparse on distal half of ventral and lateral surfaces of the pygophore; setae long and dense on the ventral rim and ventral and apical margins of the posterolateral angles. Segment X as long as wide, surpassing the apex of posterolateral angles, but not the parameres; rounded; dorsal surface sclerotized, membranous on the apical margin and small mid-basal area; covered by setae, longer and denser on the laterobasal margins (Figs. 36C–E, X; 36L–M). Parameres elongated, slightly swollen, longer than posterolateral angles; head subtriangular oblique to the frontal plane; outer and inner margins sinuous; distal half of inner margin with median excavation and more sclerotized; apices narrow and convergent (Figs. 36D–E, pa; 36F–I). Cup-like sclerites visible, apices narrow and convergent. Phallus: proximal portion of vesica biconvex laterally, dorsal surface flatand slightly depressed, ventral surface expanded and with minute ventroposterior process; median portion cylindrical, posteriorly directed; distal portion sinuous, ventroposteriorly directed; secondary gonopore beveled (Fig. 36J–K).

Legend: tl, total length; mw, maximum width (at the sternite III level); hl, head length; cl, clypeus length; hw, head width; iod, interocellar distance; ied, interocular distance; pl, pronotum length; haw, pronotum width at the level of humeral angles; aaw, pronotum width at the level of anterolateral angles; sl, scutellum length; fll, frenal lobe length; pfl, post-frenal lobe length; bsw, basal scutellum width; fcw; scutellum width at the level of frenal constriction; I, II, III, IV and V, antennal and labium segments length.

Female. Membrane of hemelytra not reaching the posterior margin of mediotergite VIII, posterior margin convex; median portion of posterior margin of mediotergite VIII and of urosternite VII subrectilinear; projections of urosternite VII thick and perpendicular to the surface, folded beneath the urosternite. Genitalia. Valvifers VIII wider than long; posterior margin sinuous, lateral angles round and projected; sutural angles narrowly rounded; sutural margins subrectilinear and folded dorsally; surface longitudinally convex, dark yellowish with brown punctures, setae on the median portion of posterior margin (Figs. 5R; 37C, vf8). Valvifers IX covered by valvifers VIII. Laterotergites IX not reaching the posterior margin of mediotergite VIII, largely covered by valvifers VIII (Fig. 37C, la9); lateral margin of visible portion convex. Internal genitalia not examined.

Measurements: Table 16.

Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais) (Fig. 8).

Comments. See comments in I. cordiformis sp. n .. The material available for the description of Ischnopelta montana sp. n. is greatly damaged. As in I. cylindrata sp. n. (Fig. 26A–B), the setae of the mid-apical band of ventral surface of the mandibular plates are about three times longer than those observed in the other species.


Published as part of Rosso, Pedro & Campos, Luiz Alexandre, 2021, Revision of Ischnopelta Stål, 1868 with the description of twenty new species (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae), pp. 96-184 in Megataxa 6 (2) on pages 158-161, DOI: 10.11646/megataxa.6.2.3,


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Collection code
Event date
1960-11-23 , 1997-11-06
Material sample ID
MG 10
Scientific name authorship
Rosso & Campos
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1960-11-23/26 , 1997-11-06
Taxonomic concept label
Ischnopelta montana Rosso & Campos, 2021