Published December 30, 2010 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Dragonflies and climatic change - recent trends in Germany and Europe


  • 1. L.U.P.O. GmbH, Trippstadt, Germany


In this paper the trends of dragonfly expansions during the last decades in Germany and Europe are summarized. It is shown, that there is a general expansion of many species to the north: Mediterranean species expanded to Central and Northern Europe, whereas some African species expanded to Southern Europe, some are even new to the continent. In general this means an increase of biodiversity, but looking at the ecological effects, in the medium term a decrease can be expected for mooreland and alpine species. Dragonflies can be regarded as a good indicator group for climatic change. Already now in some areas or regions negative effects on waters bodies and their dragonfly communities can be observed and more will occur if e.g. temperature rises or precipitation decreases. The consequences for nature conservation strategies – such as the NATURA 2000 network – are outlined and the general need for monitoring programmes is emphasised.



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