Published November 25, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Heterometra amboinae

  • 1. Osaka Museum of Natural History, 1 - 23 Nagai Park, Higashi-Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 546 - 0034, Japan E-mail: kogo 13 @ w 7. dion. ne. jp & Corresponding author
  • 2. Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4 - 1 - 1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 - 0005, Japan


Heterometra amboinae (A. H. Clark, 1912a)

Craspedometra amboinae A. H. Clark, 1912a: 35 (list); 1918: 78 (footnote); Reichensperger 1913: 99.

Heterometra amboinae —A. H. Clark 1918: 78 (key); 1941: 297, pl. 29 fig. 123, pl. 31 figs 131–136; A. M. Clark and Rowe 1971: 22 (key).

Material examined. 2 specimens. Lombok Is. NSMT E-8249 (2 specimens), Kodek, February15, 1994.

Description (larger specimen). Centrodorsal discoidal, 7 mm across, 3 mm thick, with cirrus sockets in 1–2 irregular rows and flat aboral pole. Cirri stout, XXIII, 33–35, 25– 30 mm long. Cirrals wholly shorter than wide; beyond about 11 th with prominent aboral spine. Radials wholly concealed by centrodorsal. IBr 2: Ibr 1 oblong, in contact laterally; Ibr 2 (axil) low triangular, free laterally. IIBr 4(3+4). Arms stout, 16, 135 mm long; first syzygy at br 3+4; br 4 –br 10 about 3 times wider than long with parallel articulation, beyond br 10 wedge-shaped. P 3 longest, stiffened, 20 mm long, of 30 segments; proximal pinnulars shorter than wide with a keel toward tip. P 2 similar to P 3, but slightly shorter. P 2 and P 3 much longer and stouter than PII and P 1.

Remarks. Four Heterometra species, namely H. variipinna (Carpenter, 1882), H. affinis (Hartlaub, 1890), H. amboinae (A. H. Clark, 1912a), and H. sarae A. H. Clark, 1941, were recorded from Ambon (A. H. Clark 1941). In these 4 species, H. amboinae is the most closely related to H. sarae in sharing excessively short middle-distal brachials. According to A. H. Clark (1941: 230–232), brachials beyond br 4 are 3–4 times wider than long in H. amboinae, while 6–8 times wider than long in H. sarae. Based on these characteristics, present specimens were identified with H. amboinae.

Distribution. Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia (A. H. Clark 1941; A. M. Clark and Rowe 1971). Depth range: 0–50 m (A. H. Clark 1941).


Published as part of Kogo, Ichizo, Fujita, Toshihiko & Kubodera, Tsunemi, 2019, Shallow-water Comatulids (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) from Ambon and Lombok Islands, Indonesia, pp. 229-246 in Species Diversity 24 on pages 239-240, DOI: 10.12782/specdiv.24.229,


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Scientific name authorship
A. H. Clark
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Taxonomic concept label
Heterometra amboinae (Clark, 1912) sec. Kogo, Fujita & Kubodera, 2019


  • Clark, A. H. 1912 a. The crinoids of the Indian Ocean. The Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 325 pp., 61 figs.
  • Reichensperger, A. 1913. Ungestielte Crinoiden der Aru- und Kei-Inseln. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 35: 79 - 108.
  • Clark, A. H. 1918. The unstalked crinoids of the Siboga Expedition. Siboga Expeditie 42 b: i - ix, 1 - 300, pls 1 - 28.
  • Clark, A. M. and Rowe, F. W. E. 1971. Monograph of Shallow-water Indo-West Pacific Echinoderms. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London, x + 238 pp., 31 pls.
  • Carpenter, P. H. 1882. Descriptions of new or little-known Comatulae, I & II. Journal of the Linnean Society 16: 487 - 526.
  • Hartlaub, C. 1890. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Comatuliden-Fauna des Indischen Archipels. Nachrichten von der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georgs-August-Universitat zu Gottingeni 5: 168 - 187.
  • Clark, A. H. 1941. A monograph of the existing crinoids. Vol. 1, The Comatulids. Pt. 4 a. Superfamily Mariametrida. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 82: i - vii, 1 - 603, pls 1 - 61.