There is a newer version of the record available.

Published November 29, 2021 | Version v55.0
Dataset Open

Tab-delimited version of Discover Life bee species guide and world checklist (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila)

  • 1. University of California, Santa Barbara
  • 2. Ronin Institute



This archive includes a tab-delimited (tsv) version of the Discover Life bee species guide and world checklist (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila). Discover Life is an important resource for bee species names and this update is from Draft-55, November 2020. Data were accessed and transformed into a tsv file in November 2021 using Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) nomer software. GloBI now incorporates the Discover Life bee species guide and world checklist in its functionality for searching for bee interactions.

Please cite the original source for this data as:

Ascher, J. S. and J. Pickering. 2020.
Discover Life bee species guide and world checklist (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila). 
Draft-55, 17 November 2020


Data Columns

Discover Life provides a world name checklist and includes other names (synonyms and homonyms) that refer to the same species. In the tsv file, the provided name is both the accepted, or checklist name, or "other name." All names will be listed as a providedName. Below is an example subset of the transformed version of the data.

  • providedExternalId= link to name on Discover Life
  • providedName=an accepted or "other name" in the Discover Life bee checklist
  • providedAuthorship=authorship for the providedName
  • providedRank=rank of the providedName
  • providedPath=higher taxonomy of the providedName. This will be the same as the accepted name or resolvedName
  • relationName=relationship between the "other name" and the bee name in the Discover Life checklist. It may include itself
  • resolvedExternalId=link to name on Discover Life
  • resolvedAuthorship=authorship of the accepted, or checklist name
  • resolvedRank=rank of the accepted, or checklist name
  • resolvedPath=higher taxonomy of the accepted, or checklist name


providedExternalId providedName providedAuthorship providedRank providedPath relationName resolvedExternalId resolvedName resolvedAuthorship resolvedRank resolvedPath Acamptopoeum argentinum (Friese, 1906) species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum argentinum HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum argentinum (Friese, 1906) species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum argentinum Acamptopoeum calchaqui Compagnucci, 2004 species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum calchaqui HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum calchaqui Compagnucci, 2004 species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum calchaqui Acamptopoeum colombiense Shinn, 1965 species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum colombiense HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum colombiense Shinn, 1965 species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum colombiense Acamptopoeum colombiensis Shinn, 1965 species   SYNONYM_OF Acamptopoeum colombiense Shinn, 1965 species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum colombiense Acamptopoeum fernandezi Gonzalez, 2004 species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum fernandezi HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum fernandezi Gonzalez, 2004 species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum fernandezi Acamptopoeum inauratum (Cockerell, 1926) species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum inauratum HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum inauratum (Cockerell, 1926) species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum inauratum Acamptopoeum melanogaster Compagnucci, 2004 species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum melanogaster HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum melanogaster Compagnucci, 2004 species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum melanogaster Acamptopoeum nigritarse (Vachal, 1909) species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum nigritarse HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum nigritarse (Vachal, 1909) species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum nigritarse Acamptopoeum prinii (Holmberg, 1884) species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum prinii HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum prinii (Holmberg, 1884) species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum prinii Acamptopoeum submetallicum (Spinola, 1851) species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum submetallicum HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum submetallicum (Spinola, 1851) species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum submetallicum Acamptopoeum tintin Compagnucci, 2004 species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum tintin HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum tintin Compagnucci, 2004 species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum tintin Acamptopoeum vagans (Cockerell, 1926) species Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum vagans HAS_ACCEPTED_NAME Acamptopoeum vagans (Cockerell, 1926) species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae | Acamptopoeum vagans Acanthalictus dybowskii (Radoszkowski, 1876) species   SYNONYM_OF Lasioglossum dybowskii (Radoszkowski, 1876) species

Animalia | Arthropoda | Insecta | Hymenoptera | Halictidae | Lasioglossum dybowskii



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