Published January 28, 2013 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

CARARE - D6.7: Report on the CARARE Final Conference (Final)


This deliverable is the report on CARARE’s final conference in Copenhagen, November 8-9 2012. The report describes the thoughts and work that went into the conference, the conference itself and the dissemination efforts before, during and after the event. The report also synthesises all the presentations made at the conference including the speeches made at the welcome reception on the evening of the main conference. There were 23 presentations from 10 different European countries in seven sessions, a welcome reception with three speeches, and three social events for the delegates to network and debate outside the pre-designated topics. 82 people attended during the two and a half days plus non-registered participants who listened in on one or two presentations. The conference programme included presentations on the technical approach to interoperability and 3D representation, experiences of the partner institutions, user studies, hack days and app development, outreach, sustainability and CARARE’s place in the grander scheme of the digitisation and promotion of European cultural heritage.

The conference was organised mainly by MDR Partners and the Danish Agency for Culture with help from the session chairs, individual speakers and the CARARE partners. The programme and presentations*1 are available and are published on the CARARE web site (

The conference was instrumental in uniting the project managers and the partners on the overall outcome of CARARE and helped spark ensuing sustainability efforts which is the subject of a different report (D7.3)



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