Rhetoric [IO Islamic 2156]
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- Rhetoric.
- This manuscript is now IO Islamic 2156 in the India Office collections.
- [metadata: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, (volume 1), no. 847 here with further notations and hyperlinks].
2156. Size 10 in. by 6 in.; foll. 260. Twenty-nine lines in a page.
A Commentary (by قوله ) on the third part of the مفتاح العلوم , by Sa’d al-dîn Mas’ûd b. ‘Omar TAFTÂZANÎ (d. A.H. 792). See Ḥ. Kh. vi. 16.
This commentary is very rare. It is one of the latest works of Taftâzânî, which he wrote at the request of his friends, having been previously engaged in writing glosses on the Kashshâf.1 he completed it in Shawwâl, 787. 2
Carefully, but inelegantly written in a Persian hand, somewhat difficult to read .Has the following colophon: وقد اتفق الفراغ من كتابة هذه النسخة و تصحيحه بحمد الله و حسن تيسيره على يد العبد الضعيف المحتاج الى مغفرة الله تع بدر بن محمد الاتقانى 1 عفا الله عنه و عن والديه فى اليوم الخامس عشر من جمادى الآخر سنة ثلاث و ثمانمائة.
Many marginal notes in the first portion. At the end are added some moral tracts (foll. 252v. 253).
Injured by damp and by insects.
Bound with this is ---
Foll. 254-257. A short treatise on the Metres, ascribed to Abu’l-Ḳâsim Muḥammad (sic) b. ‘Alî ḤARÎRÎ.
Begins: فعولن مفاعلين فعولن مفاعيلن ‘ لوزن طويل الشعر فاحفظه واذكر ‘
Ends: تم الرسالة الحريرى فى علم العروض .
Written in Nasta’liḳ, of the tenth century. Some notes. It is followed by a list of Arabic names of stars, explained in Persian, and two astronomical tables.
[College of Fort William, 1825.]
1 These glosses remained unfinished.
2 So according to a note at the end of this MS., and to the list in no. 849.
1 The MS. has الاتــقایـی ( sic).
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