There is a newer version of the record available.

Published November 27, 2021 | Version 3.0.8
Software Open

BridgeDb 3.0.8

  • 1. @BiGCAT-UM
  • 2. @nrnb
  • 3. eScience lab, University of Manchester
  • 4. Gladstone Institutes
  • 5. UM @BiGCAT-UM
  • 6. myGrid
  • 7. Heriot-Watt University
  • 8. Maastricht University


This release updates the URL patterns for the CAS database, adds Brassica napus as species, outputs info from Derby databases with the quality control (QC) tool, and adds Guide to Pharmacology Targets as data source.

The below examples assume you need just, and you can use it as template and modify to add other modules.

For Maven:


For Gradle:

compile group: 'org.bridgedb', name: '', version: '3.0.8'

For Ivy:

<dependency org="org.bridgedb" name="" rev="3.0.8"/>

For Buildr:



If you use this software, please cite it as below.



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