Published November 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Tourism and the Importance of Honey Consumption in Healthy Diet

  • 1. Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA), Bucharest, Romania
  • 2. National Agency for Mountain Areas, Vatra Dornei, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bucharest, Romania


The opinion that in Romania the diseases and the deficiencies caused by alimentation no longer exist has almost become a common place. But the reality is different. On one hand, the Roumanians eat too much, too fat, too sweet and far too much meat; on the other hand, they eat too few vitamins, minerals and fibrous foods. The question is how did this wrong alimentation become so popular? One reason would be the industrial processing of many aliments. Over 60% of the aliments offered are industrially finite products. The daily necessary of energy is ensured – at present – in a percentage of 75-80%, by overprocessed foods, such as the meats, the margarine, the extraction flour, etc. While, in the private households, the aliments are usually only washed, cut and boiled, the alimentary industry often makes use of solvents and chemical acids, in order to decompose the natural raw materials into their components and thus to make new products. The more complicated was the processing of an aliment, the lower is its vitamins and natural minerals content and the higher is the danger of the formation of certain harmful substances during the elaboration of the respective aliment. Very often, the quantity of supplementary substances which are added to, aliments is also large enough. Such manipulations serve health only in very rare cases.


JEL classification: Q30, R0, I0



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978-606-685-836-6 (ISBN)


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