- 1. Postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy, psychology and methods of physical education T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Collehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)
The article is devoted to highlighting the essence of motivation of professional success of teachers of the New Ukrainian school and students of higher pedagogical education. The article identifies the components that affect the motivation of professional success: the nature of the education system; organization of the educational process in higher education institutions; features of the applicant of higher pedagogical education; personal characteristics of teachers of higher education institutions, the system of their relations with students of higher education and attitude to educational activities.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence of motivation of professional success of teachers and applicants for higher pedagogical education of the New Ukrainian School.
The sources of activity of applicants for higher pedagogical education, which affect the motivation of professional success of both teachers in further educational activities and applicants for higher pedagogical education in the process of obtaining professional education, are analyzed. Psychological factors influencing the formation of motivation for the success of professional activity of applicants for higher pedagogical education are also characterized.
Conclusions. 1. Motivation – a set of factors of a psychological nature that determine the activity of the subject and determine the direction of its activities. 2. The essence of motivation of professional success of teachers of the New Ukrainian school and students of higher pedagogical education is considered in direct unity with the orientation of the individual, which is defined as the main component of the internal psychological structure. 3. Important components of the motivation of educational activities of applicants for higher pedagogical education and teachers-practitioners of the New Ukrainian School are: activity, ratio and awareness or unawareness of motives, among which the most important are motives of duty, motives of interest and passion for teaching and motives for communication. with children.
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