Published December 26, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Ballet by R. Poklitaru "Swan Lake. Modern Version" Through the Prism of Critics

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The main objective of the study is to identify the main evaluation aspects of “Swan Lake. Modern version”of R. Poklitaru in critical articles. Methodology. The analysis and comparison of critical articles allowed conducting a scientifically objective study. Scientific novelty consists in identifying the main aspects of the critical assessment of “Swan Lake. Modern version” of R. Poklitaru, namely the plot, dramaturgy, choreographic vocabulary, musical foundation, set design. Conclusions. The analysis of choreographic criticism makes it possible not only to recreate a panorama of evaluative statements, but also to reveal the artistic and aesthetic dominants in the evaluation of choreographic phenomena. “Swan Lake. Modern version” of R. Poklitaru can be considered in the system of postmodern interpretations, which requires updating the methodology of critical thinking, improving the criteria for identifying the artistic value of the work. The descriptive, compiling nature, the absence of the author's position is characteristic of a number of publications on R. Poklitaru production. The majority of articles traditionally cover the plot, the overwhelming majority of authors refer to the libretto, the rest submit their own interpretation. Critics do not avoid the traditional comparison with their predecessors (M. Ek, M. Born). Choreographic vocabulary is analyzed, attention is focused on the ironic attitude to the classical original source (manifestation of one of the key features of postmodernism). The comparison with film genres ("suspense", "action") is made. In assessing the musical basis, most critics understand the desirability of processing the musical score of the original source to solve new dramatic tasks in accordance with the choreographer’s plan. All authors unanimously positively speak about the original set design and costumes. The study does not exhaust all aspects of the scientific understanding problem of the critical evaluative discourse of the ballet theater; it is presented to discuss the methodology for critical articles analyzing.

