Published March 12, 2021 | Version 1.4a-pub
Project deliverable Open

SOLARNET Metadata Recommendations for Solar Observations

  • 1. Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo


Metadata descriptions of Solar observations have so far only been standardized for space-based observations, but the standards have been mostly within a single space mission at a time, at times with significant differences between different mission standards. In the context of ground-based Solar observations, data has typically not been made freely available to the general research community, resulting in an even greater lack of standards for metadata descriptions. This situation makes it difficult to construct multi-instrument archives/virtual observatories with anything more than the most basic metadata available for searching, as well as making it difficult to write generic software for instrument-agnostic data analysis. This document describes the metadata recommendations developed under the SOLARNET EU project, which aims to foster more collaboration and data sharing between both ground-based and space-based solar observatories. The recommendations will be followed by data pipelines developed under the SOLARNET project as well as e.g. the Solar Orbiter SPICE pipeline, the SST CHROMIS/CRISP common pipeline, and the Alma pipeline for Solar data. These recommendations are meant to function as a common reference to which even existing diverse data sets may be related, for ingestion into solar virtual observatories and for analysis by generic software.



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